chen东西怎么写( 二 )

????EXAMPL:????Mr Conrad Krauze, Managing Director of Granby Plastics, New Jersey, USA, asks you to write a memo to Mrs Fay Molloy of the Derby UK branch of Granby Plastics. He says, "Send it to her by fax. Tell her that I confirm my e-mail of yesterday. I shall be visiting England in July. Derby will be visited on the 18th of that month . . . about 1030. . . certainly in the morning . . . on reflection it could be closer to 1100. The most important thing is that I shall have Miss Mary Bannon, the new Sales Director, with me. I shall want a tour of the branch and lunch. Miss Bannon will want to meet the sales staff . . . informally. Ask Mrs Molloy to confirm by return fax that she has received the memo." ??????Model Answer:????To:Mrs Fay Molly ??From: Conrad Kranze ??Subject:Visit to UK ??Date: Oct.6,2005????I now confirm my yesterday's email.Please note: ??-I will visit England in July and arrive at Derby between 10.30 to 11.00am, 18th July. ??-Miss Mary Bonnon, the new sales Director will accompany me. ??-Please arrange a tour of branch and a quick lunch afterwards. ??-Finally,please arrange an informal meeting for Miss Bannon and sales staff. 。

抻,手伸物也 。——《集韵》
【chen东西怎么写】两个有人命血债的财主,被团民抻着发辫,砍头示众 。——冯骥才《义和拳》
这样抻的时间越长,粮价就越往高涨 。我们再抻一抻有好处 。——浩然《洪涛集》
您说的意思就是“抻”的第三个字义 。

