二级金鱼作文怎么写( 四 )

3.我家养了几条小金鱼,我经常注意观察它们 。金鱼在水里悠闲地游着 。
爸爸但只好找刘叔叔又要了一条 。小鱼看到了新同伴 。
他们在水里游来游去,一切都变得金灿灿的 。将药片碾碎放到水里,都快成了形影不离的好朋友了,配上银白色的肚皮,好像穿着一件花衣裳;小身体后面,拖着一条大大的尾巴,这条美丽 。
7.写金鱼的作文怎么写呀我家有一条聪明、可爱的小金鱼 。
已经养了一年多了,约10厘米长,穿着一身金红色的衣服,两颗又黑又圆的小眼睛,在水里从来都不眨一下,像剪刀一样的尾巴,在水中摆来摆去,快活极了 。来家做客的小朋友都爱逗它玩,我为有这样一个小伙伴而感到十分高兴 。
其实,这条金鱼刚买来的时候胆子很小,动作又不灵活,当人靠近鱼缸时,它就钻到水底,我给它喂食时,它都不敢浮下鱼缸,它就浮到水面,张着大嘴等我喂食吃,吃饱肚子后对我摆摆尾巴在水中快活地游来游去 。
现在小金鱼变得越来越调皮,白天在水里扎猛子,夜晚更不老实 。有一天晚上,我们都已进入梦乡,突然,房子里有很大的声音,妈妈以为是小偷呢!
等打开灯时,发现是小金鱼从鱼缸里跳出来,掉在茶几上蹦来蹦去,一会儿就不动了 。妈妈赶快把它放进鱼缸,过了一会儿,它又慢慢地在水中游动了 。多危险呀!
听妈妈说:鱼离不开水,就像人离不开新鲜的空气一样,我们要从小学会保护环境,这样人类才能与大自然和谐相处 。
8.金鱼的作文怎样写 I enjoy fish from a young age, raised many of the species. So far, I have the cylindrical fish tank in the six small goldfish so cute. These small goldfish of different patterns, different colors. Has red, white and has red, white and white, there is gold and black are also two. They walk up, the mood of it very funny. You see, that red-crowned crane is like a wedding on the , beautiful and elegant, the number of swimming up the flavor a bit arrogant, it may be too beautiful because of it! Look at that crown Miss golden tulle its tail-like larger than the whole body, when it gently swing, the is like a fairy. The name of that black lion head, longer spheronization spheronization, and travel with a little hard, but an air of tranquility, quite gentleman. When the six small goldfish with the shaman at the fish tank in the water when swimming, I do not have a taste, a little more than that is not less exciting dance. Operators want the most exciting scenes of the small feeding of goldfish. When I put a group of fish into the water, six small goldfish to normal one, though, the gentle mood, quick response, really very hard to believe. Sometimes, because of turning in a hurry, rolling the meat from the body almost doubled. Even so, it will not affect the fish toward their food, they will put up half swallow fish. They will usually eat a for, that scene really makes people simmer with laughter. My small goldfish lively, sweet, give my life to add a lot of fun. 我从小喜欢养鱼,养过的品种也不少 。
至今,在我那圆柱体鱼缸里还有六条可爱的小金鱼呢 。这些小金鱼,形态各异,色彩不同 。
有红的,有白的,有红白相间的,有金黄的,还有两条是黑的 。它们游动起来,各具情态,真是有趣极了 。
你瞧,那条丹顶鹤就像婚礼上的新嫁娘,美丽而典雅,游动起来多少带点傲慢的味道,这也许是太漂亮的缘故吧!再看那皇冠小姐,通身金黄色,它那薄纱般的尾巴比整个身子还要大,当它轻轻摆动时,简直就像仙女下凡 。那条黑色的名叫狮子头,长得滚圆滚圆的,游起来显得有些吃力,但神态安详,颇具绅士风度 。
当这六条小金鱼一起在撒满水草的鱼缸中游动时,真是别有一番情趣,一点儿也不比那精彩的舞蹈逊色 。最为精彩的要算小金鱼吃食的场面了 。