萱草英文怎么写( 三 )

4.无忧草 用英文怎么说汉语中没有“无忧草”的说法,应是“忘忧草” 。
忘忧草 [词典] nepenthe; Day Lilies; Forgetting Sadness Grass 1、In China, the flower for mother is day lily, also known as Nepenthe. 在中国,给母亲的花通常是萱草花,也叫做忘忧草 。2、This time, if I can find the kind of sweet-smelling odor "Day Lilies", believe that most people will eat away without thinking, to relief the suffering of the soul. 这种时候,如若真能寻找到那种散发着馨香气味的“忘忧草”,相信大多数人都会不假思索地吞噬掉,以解脱灵魂的苦难 。
3、Hemerocallis fulva, also called "Xuancao" in Chinese, has a long history in China. "Xuan" means to forget, so the ancients also called it "Forgetting Sadness Grass". 中国的萱草有很长的历史,萱意味着忘记,因此古代也把它叫做忘忧草 。

