香水电影影评_电影《香水DAS PARFUM》影评英文版

电影香水影评影片开场是巴黎街市的景象 , 十八世纪的香都弥漫着难以想象的恶臭 。巴蒂斯特.格雷诺耶出生在鱼摊旁 。他矮小、丑陋,身上没有任何气味 。除了这一奇怪的缺陷,格雷诺耶还拥有常人不及的嗅觉 。他出生后被母亲抛弃在垃圾堆里,幼年时加拉尔夫人把他作价出卖,从此,格雷诺耶以苦力活儿果腹 。
为人唾弃的岁月里 , 他梦想复制自己嗅觉内的所有气味,使它们在自己的身上得以再现 。巴黎是格雷诺耶的寻香园,在塞纳河边,他邂逅了纯美善良的少女香 。为了占有它,格雷诺耶掐死了卖水果的姑娘 。那天夜里,他隐约意识到自己命运的方向 。
格雷诺耶向香水制造商巴尔迪克展示天赋 。巴尔迪克将他买到香水作坊当伙计 。格雷诺耶开始为自己试制各种香水外衣,他的香水拯救了作坊并使它显赫一时 。在这段日子里,格雷诺耶发现 , 气味是唯一能够深入心脏的东西 。它在那里把爱与厌恶区分 。谁掌握气味,谁就掌握了人们的心 。
获得自由的格雷诺耶隐居山上,滤尽往昔令人作呕的气息后,他游历法国寻找操控人们行为意识的香气 。在一个港口小城 , 格雷诺耶再度从少女们的身上发现了它 。
格雷诺耶杀死26个少女,提取她们尸身上残存的体香制造最蛊惑的香水 。这瓶具有魔幻色彩的香水,使他把处决自己刑场变成了获取爱戴的狂欢地 。当小城为格雷诺耶心旌摇荡的时候,格雷诺耶返回巴黎 。在他的出生地,人们被一瓶奇异的新香迷惑,疯狂地把格雷诺耶撕成肉块,分而食之 。
《香水》的上映让人们期待了二十年 。二十一年前 , Süskind的小说被文学界称为“一个重要的事件、一个奇迹.无数制片商争购电影版权,隐居的 Süskind认为,只有《闪灵》和《发条橙》的导演斯坦利.库布里克才能执筒 。1999年,库布里克去世 。3年后,Süskind的好友、曾拍摄《玫瑰之名》和《帝国陷落》的伯恩德.艾钦格以千万欧元求得《香水》电影版权 。《罗拉快跑》的导演汤姆.提克威获得伯恩德.艾钦格青睐执导本片 。
根据畅销名作拍片,这种方式为电影增加了神秘感与亲切感 。面对大批书迷,伯恩德.艾钦格说:“我们用意象、声响和音乐的力量 。营造出气味的氛围 。” 为了忠实于原著的场景,他辗转德国、西班牙、意大利、法国,用17吨的鱼和动物尸体淹没外景地的街道,20几次的鼻部特色和深呼吸镜头、以慢镜调动近千名群众演员再现香水魔力下纵欲狂欢的人群…..不过,汤姆.提克威用须后水代替了重要的道具:香水 。
影片保持了汤姆.提克威影片一贯的节奏感,流畅的镜头语言、精良的布景与服装、一切都在努力趋向于作品 。趋向于各种气息 。达斯汀.霍夫曼扮演的巴尔迪克和本.卫修的格雷诺耶同样可圈可点,尽管如此,书迷觉得电影与自己意想中的《香水》有不同程度的出入 。
书中细节的省略使观众抱怨不已,对人物命运和内心世界的描绘,也同原作存在差异 。可以看出汤姆.提克威希望角色拥有情愫,但在Süskind的笔下 , 格雷诺耶象香水瓶一样透明和冰冷;配角的命运处理体现出导演和作家对生活的认知区别--不是所有的恶都会得到惩罚,更多的时候它们继续生存 。令恶毁灭的电影是一种理想,描绘它们存在的小说是一种现实 。
走出影院,下午特有的软香和着清冽扑面而来 。如果把看电影和读原作都比做寻香 , 在语句描绘的氛围里,人们每过一个街口都要停下来、每闻到一种气息都要回味良久 。光影作品更多是视听的快速冲击,它再现拍摄者对原作的理解 。因为两者之间无法彼此抵补的区别,小说是一瓶香水 , 电影是永远的寻香人 。
电影《香水DAS PARFUM》影评英文版【香水电影影评_电影《香水DAS PARFUM》影评英文版】Junior high school when reading the original novel, only after reading that the world really wonderful, and later heard that a remake into a movie, read, discovered that a good film
First of all, the film adaptation of it as a relatively faithful to the original, but this is not easy to do, take a look at the recent death of the notes will know, the moral aspect, the film has always been a degree of tolerance than fiction, television and tolerance Also lower than the film, but the shooting of the film are shot out, everything was wonderful world of not less, especially from the end to the plot and narration are the same as the original, original works may be too strong to the extent that the director also would like to change too You
The film also has a subtitle called the story of a murderer, compared with the curry favor with the public, but may be due to the box office, that person is called an artist's story is more appropriate
Yan Zhujiao is a very special actor, his eyes revealed the depths of madness, it's a bit like Di Jiuri protagonist, an actor that looks like a skull, eyes, but it was clear people forget to look over
Then look at the original time is also small, also saw white, now remind ourselves that this is what a lot of profound symbolic
The novel is about a man looking for love and self-story, the protagonist is no smell, which implies a lack of self, and the smell of his sensitive than ordinary people to bring him some characteristics of the tragedy, he did not persist in the East and West He snatch other people's smell, he finally got the smell and the people love, but he also true of their own and I was puzzled by the existence of despair and this is a typical Gothic-style romanticism of the story
Obviously the film has found a starting point, which makes the whole film has a clear line
This is a romantic love story
Protagonist missed the first girl killed when his expression of despair, he tells us that the pursuit of the perfume is not just that he fell in love with a girl, she fell in love with the smell or the other does not matter, it was always his first love, as a There are also born with defects autistic boy is Qingdouchukai let him know what to do, he has to get her to keep her, but he did not know how, he thought he had found a way to kill them, make perfume, spreading in Himself, and he turned into them, and this is his love, the two become one, but then he found that he did not want his real self, that the round-shouldered dark as there is no Self-possession in Hong Wen dressed appearance, and no one to love, film, he looked at everyone on the stage in the high, first emerged in the minds of young girls figure, this clearly tells us that the entire movie theme
Romantic love has always been a pessimistic view, because a person can not be another person, no matter how close the other side can not belong to you, because it is two people, two of the main, the theme of love is despair, every time Do you think the other side has been found that this is only an illusion of time and disappointment brought about by the end of despair
The film's symbolic in this
Finally, he will disappear like crazy people in love, but died of loneliness and despair