Spectacular Cantonese Opera Film Amazed Expo 2020 Dubai
在本届迪拜世博会的中国馆纪念品商店内 , 电影《白蛇传·情》的宣传片惊艳亮相 , 精美的中国风画面 , 悦耳的戏曲唱腔 , 坚贞的中国爱情故事 , 深深吸引着来自世界各地的观众 。
The trailer of the film White Snake attracted people from all over the world in the souvenir shop in the China Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. It indelibly impressed the viewers with the exquisite Chinese-style visuals, the harmonious Cantonese opera singing, and the story about constant love.
《白蛇传·情》由珠江电影集团有限公司、广东粤剧院、佛山文化发展投资管理有限公司出品 。
White Snake was produced by Pearl River Film Group Co., Ltd., Guangdong Cantonese Opera Institute and Foshan Culture Development Investment Management Co., Ltd..
电影《白蛇传·情》于2021年5月20日在中国院线上映 , 是国内首部4k全景声粤剧电影 , 影片取得2200万元的票房 , 成为中国影史戏曲类电影票房冠军 。 影片自上映以来 , 收获各界好评 , 在热门网站豆瓣上的评分高达8.2分(满分10分) , 成为年度最受好评的电影之一 , 吸引了大量年轻观众观影 。
Released in theater on 20th May 2021, White Snake was the first 4K, Dolby Atmos Cantonese opera film. It has earned 22 million yuan at the box office by January 5th, 2022, claiming the title of the highest-grossing Chinese opera film.The film has received positive reviews since its release. It was rated 8.2 out of 10 on the review site Douban, becoming one of the most critically acclaimed films this year and attracting a large number of young audiences.
《白蛇传?情》荣获第32届中国电影金鸡奖最佳戏曲片提名等国内外荣誉 , 并在第76届威尼斯国际电影节VPB单元展映 , 赢得了众多海内外观众的青睐 。
White Snake garnered many accolades domestically and abroad, including a nomination for Best Chinese Opera Film at the 32nd China Golden Rooster Awards. It was screened in the VPB unit at the 76th Venice International Film Festival as well, winning the favor of numerous oversea audiences.
《白蛇传·情》取材自中国四大民间传说之一的《白蛇传》 , 讲述一个“人妖殊途因情而同归”的传奇爱情故事 , 以“情”为切入点 , 提炼升华“情”的内涵 , 彰显世间唯情至真至美至永恒的精神主题 。 电影《白蛇传·情》跳出中国戏曲舞台的空间 , 将奇幻的电影表现手法和戏曲的抽象表达有机结合起来 , 以富有张力的戏曲表演、悠扬婉转的音乐、如诗如梦的唯美画面、壮观逼真的特效 。
White Snake, adapted from The Legend of White Snake, one of China’s Four Great Folktales, presents the tragic romantic relationship between an immortal spirit and a human being with distinguished acting, melodious music, and striking special effects. It expands on the classic theme of love: its genuineness, beauty, and eternity. The film is considered to be a success in integrating the abstract expression in the opera with cinematic techniques.
导演张险峰表示 , 本片在拍摄技术和表现手法上 , 在以往戏剧电影的基础上展开更多的探索:过去戏剧电影多数在实景上拍摄 , 而《白蛇传·情》是带有奇幻色彩的故事 , 适合加入电影特效 。 同时 , 戏剧表演有很多概念化的元素 , 本片在画面呈现上融入一些中国画的写意色彩 , 在融合戏剧的抽象美感的基础上展现一种美轮美奂的东方美学意境 。
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