Director Zhang Xianfeng says, ”Based on the traditional opera film, we explore more on the techniques of filming and expression. While most opera films in the past were shot on-location, the fantasy qualities of this story make its film adaptation suitable for using special effects. Therefore, we use the styles of traditional Chinese painting to visualize the conceptual elements of traditional opera performance. What we want to present is a kind of Eastern aesthetics where the imagery has the capacity to convey the abstraction.”
在迪拜世博会上 , 《白蛇传·情》以其独特的魅力将粤剧这个世界非物质文化遗产介绍给世界范围内的观众们 。 这是又一个见证中国文化在世界舞台上大放异彩的里程碑 。
White Snake introduces the unique charm of Cantonese opera, an intangible cultural heritage, to worldwide audience at Expo 2020 Dubai. It is another milestone of Chinese culture shining on the global stage.
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