
撒花!就在今天 , 《神奇动物3:邓布利多之谜》( Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore)宣布确认引进中国内地!
电影由大卫·叶茨继续执导 , J·K·罗琳和Steve Kloves编剧 , 埃迪·雷德梅恩、裘德·洛、埃兹拉·米勒、艾莉森·苏朵儿、丹·福格勒等回归出演 , 麦斯·米克尔森新加盟饰演格林德沃 , 4月15日北美上映 。

What Is the Plot of Fantastic Beasts 3?《神奇动物3》的情节是什么?
"Professor Albus Dumbledore knowsthe powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald is moving to seize control of the wizardingworld. Unable to stop him alone, he entrusts Magizoologist Newt Scamander to lead an intrepid team of wizards, witches and one brave Muggle baker on a dangerous mission, where they encounter old and new beasts and clash with Grindelwald’s growing leg ion of followers. But with the stakes so high, how long can Dumbledore remain on the sidelines?"
邓布利多深知强大的黑巫师格林德沃正加紧行动掌控魔法世界 。 无法独自阻止他的邓布利多 , 将使命托付给纽特?斯卡曼德 , 带领一队强悍的巫师、女巫以及一位勇敢的麻瓜烘培师踏上危险的任务 , 他们将在途中遇见熟悉与全新的怪兽 , 对抗格林德沃日渐增多的信徒 。 然而情势如此危急 , 邓布利多究竟还能袖手旁观多久?

Who Are the Important Characters in Fantastic Beasts 3?谁是神奇动物3中的重要角色?
Eddie Redmayne stars as Newt Scamander, an employee of the British Ministry of Magic working in the Beasts Division of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.
埃迪·雷德梅恩饰演纽特·斯卡曼德 , 他是英国魔法部的一名雇员 , 在奇兽管理控制部工作 。

Jude Law appears as Albus Dumbledore, one of the most powerful wizards of all time and future headmaster of Hogwarts. During the time of the movie, he is a professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts at the school and an extremely influentialfigure in the British Wizarding Community.
裘德·洛饰演阿不思·邓布利多 , 有史以来最强大的巫师之一 , 也是霍格沃茨未来的校长 。 在电影中 , 他是学校的黑魔法防御学教授 , 也是英国巫师界极具影响力的人物 。

Mads Mikkelsen plays Gellert Grindelwald, the primary villainof the Fantastic Beasts series. Grindelwald is a powerful dark wizard who wishes to create a world where wizards rule over muggles.
麦斯·米克尔森饰演《神奇动物》系列中的主要反派盖勒特·格林德沃 。 格林德沃是一个强大的黑巫师 , 他希望创造一个巫师统治麻瓜的世界 。

Will Fantastic Beasts 3 Have a Sequel?《神奇动物3》会有续集吗?
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore will not be the last story in the series, as there will be at least two more movies in the franchise.
《神奇动物3:邓布利多之谜》不会是这个系列的最后一个故事 , 因为这个系列至少还会有两部电影 。
Rowling announced in 2016 that the Fantastic Beasts series would consist of five films so there's definitely plenty more for fans to look forward toafter this one. Of course, we don't know what those movies will be about yet but rest assured that we'll be seeing a lot more of Newt Scamander even after Fantastic Beasts 3.