沮丧的with a sinking heart
情绪低落be down in spirits
垂头丧气lose one’s spirits
意志消沉a broken spirit
不断地抱怨complain constantly
气得满脸通红flame with anger
愁眉苦脸have a worried look
气冲冲地跑出房间run out of the room in a burst of anger
感到尴尬的feel embarrassed
感到困惑的feel puzzled/confused
感到沮丧的feel frustrated/depressed
感到恼怒的feel annoyed
感到泄气的feel discouraged
宽容的精神a forgiving spirit
以和蔼可亲的态度with a kind and good-humored spirit
在这些情绪的控制下under the domination of these emotions
鼓起勇气muster up courage
面对斗争与改变in the face of struggle and change
没有履行职责fail to carry out one’s duties
完全一团糟be completely in a mess
一项有意义的活动a meaningful/rewarding activity
相信in the belief that
抱着疲惫的双腿回家go home on tired legs
全心全意be devoted to sth whole-heartedly
感觉很不适应feel out of place
毫无倦意show no signs of tiredness
1无力改变的结果be powerless to change the outcome
1赞赏的眼光an admiring gaze
1嫉妒的眼光an envious glance
1向某人投以爱慕的目光cast admiring glance at sb
1凝视着某人look at sb with a fixed gaze
1好奇地向某人看了一眼throw a curious glance at sb
1一听到声音就知道是某人recognize sb at first hearing
1爆发出阵阵喝彩声break into shouts of applause
1不耐心地听listen impatiently
20、严厉训斥某人give sb a sharp scolding
2穿过田野的散步a walk across the field
2散步/闲逛have/take a stroll
2步行穿过马路walk across a street
2在倾盆大雨中行走walk through the pouring rain
2毫无目的地在街上游荡stroll aimlessly through the streets
2来回踱步pace back and forth
2臂挽着臂走walk arm in arm
balance the interests of different levels of students
with a heavy/sinking/broken heart
with a light heart 心情轻松地
touch one’s heart 打动了某人的心
Pierce one’s heart 刺痛某人的心
follow one’s heart跟随某人的心
pour out one’s heart to sb.
filled one’s heart 充满某人的内心
one’s heart is breaking某人的心正在碎
one’s heart melted 心被融化了
beating fast跳得很快
pound with excitement 激动得直跳
thump with fear 因恐惧而砰砰作响
be in tears 含泪
have tears in one’s eyes眼里含着泪水
burst into tears 放声大哭
fight back tears 抑制住泪水
be close to tears 快要哭了
fly off the handle 勃然大怒
lose one’s temper 发脾气
open one’s mouth 张开嘴
hide one’s yawn 打哈欠
cup one’s mouth 扣住某人的嘴
stuff one’s mouth with something 用......填满嘴巴
drop open in surprise惊奇地张大了嘴
start watering 开始流口水
heart be in one’s mouth紧张得心都到了喉咙眼
思考An idea flashed across his mind.他脑子里闪过一个念头 。
An idea formed in his mind.他脑中有了一个主意 。
An idea occurred to / hit / struck him.他突然有了一个主意 。
She was deep in thought and heard little of what was being said around her.她在沉思,几乎听不见周围的话 。The opportunity had gone and his mind scrabbled for alternatives.机会已经失去了,他苦苦思索别的方案 。
- 半夜醉酒走错了房间 醒来之后我被吓坏了
- 新来了一个男下属,我们之间有了一个秘密
- 贫富差距大的人谈恋爱
- 已婚男人不愿失去小三 我还是走上了离婚之路
- 选秀节目特别策划之选手篇 选秀活动策划
- 杨紫秦俊杰怎么认识的 原来之前早已暧昧许久
- 被称之为“南宋人屠”的人是谁?
- 天乩之白蛇传说斩荒喜欢谁 原来他才是白夭夭最好的守护者
- 男生相亲之后不联系我了我要不要主动出击
- 薛西斯为何被称为“万王之王”?统治下的波斯有多强大?