【用英语介绍苹果 用英语介绍苹果奶昔的制作过程】苹果的英语单词是apple,我最喜欢的水果苹果英语小作文如下1My favorite fruit is apple我最喜欢的水果是苹果2Big apples are very sweet大苹果很甜3My favourite apples are red and big我最喜欢的 。
it is a kind of fruitit is usually red and roundit is like a baby#39s cute faceit is sweetthere is a saying,quotone * one day , we can keep doctors awayquotnow i think you know what it 。
介绍苹果的英语作文一 An apple is a kind of fruit I like eating it very muchAn apple is roundIts colour is green,it is not big,It smells sweet and tastes good , and it is a little sourAn appl 。
Apple is a very common fruit It not only tastes sweet,but also very nutritious苹果是很常见的水果,不仅口感甘甜,还十分的有营养It has many varieties Some varieties have yellow skin,while others have 。
用英语介绍苹果The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree,species Malus domestica in the rose family RosaceaeIt is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruitsThe tree is small and deciduous 。
1苹果苹果是蔷薇科苹果亚科苹果属植物,其树为落叶乔木苹果营养价值很高,富含矿物质和维生素,含钙量丰富,有助于代谢掉体内多余盐分,苹果酸可代谢热量,防止下半身肥胖Apple is an apple of the family Rosaceae 。

with a broad,often densely twiggy crown The leaves are alternately arranged simple ovals 512 cm long and 36 cm broad on a 25 cm petiole with an acute tip, serrated margin and a slightly downy un 。

这款智能手机通过GSM quad波段网络运行,用户可以在全球范围内使用苹果手机iPhone将自动同步所有用户的个人电脑笔记本电脑Mac或互联网服务用户可以在肖像或景观模式下查看他们的iPhone,智能内置的技术将自动改变观看屏幕以 。
苹果是蔷薇科苹果亚科苹果属植物,落叶乔木苹果的果实富含矿物质和维生素,为人们最常食用的一种水果苹果膳食纤维含量丰富 , 也含有大量的果胶,对于调整肠道菌群有很大的帮助苹果是蔷薇科苹果属植物的果实 , 该属大约25种,绝大 。
My favorite fruit is an apple苹果是水果中的营养之王,含有维生素C,碱性物质等苹果的外表十分可爱,看上去像一个胖娃娃的小脸蛋,又红又嫩苹果的颜色很均匀,大多是白里透红苹果的味道也不差,一口咬下去,味 。
这是一只普普通通的苹果一面是红色,红里透黄一面是黄色,黄里带红在它黄色的皮肤上,有几个大小不一,星星点点的“雀斑”在红彤彤的脸庞上 , 有一条长约15厘米的疤痕,加上一处深红色的被摔坏的地方,在 。
My favourite fruit is apple It#39s red and round It looks very beautiful and lovely我最喜欢的水果是苹果它又红又圆看起来很漂亮很可爱When eaten, it is sweet and crunchy Very delicious I like 。
l like fruit apples apple is red ,it very nice,this is supplement meal rich in calcium ,iron protein and vitamins aswellas other nutrients necessery for the growth 。
It is round as a ball圆圆的像球,it looks merely orange看上去当然是橙色的,it#39s a kind of big fruit它是一种大水果, it smells fresh闻起来清新,it tastes sweet,a little sour and a bit bitter尝起来 。
strawberry there are some red and fresh fruit they are sour and sweet this fruit is strawberry many people like eating strawberries , and i like strawberries toobut i don#39t like it because it is too so 。
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