1.我在国外要开个格子铺,想写个英文招租格主的广告,要让老外看得The case for hot
If you are:
Love hand-made "DIY superior"
Infinite originality of all kinds of "designer"
Hands were idle luxury "many gold men and women"
Inspection of popular new product "production business"
Make friends "fashionable white-collar"
Master supply high quality "senior case Lord"
Keen to try new things "delicious jabuticaba Popsicle gens"
Then you is I want to find case Lord, my shop you family!
2.麻烦帮我翻译成英文的格子铺招租广告语,不要用翻译软件翻译啊,译 文
Supplement: a translation oh. Thank you very much! In the entity shop rent grid ark.. As long as at least a few dollars a day, 500 a month, you can promote your product or idea. If you are to go to work, really too busy. No time deal? If you are a student, want to have his first bucket of gold, and not a lot of money, lattice shop is your best choice. ~ if you are a manufacturer. With a good channel to spread. Rent a counter at the mall.. Combined with the assistant of salary.. Alas, the cost is high. Lattice shop is your best choice. This grid spread among several universities, traffic is enough big, give priority to with college students, can rent anywhere in the store, welcome friends to join, can do clothing, shoes, jewelry, stationery, small snacks and DIY works, so long as has the characteristics as well as the price advantage, sales is very good. Store in a full range of basic facilities, as long as you are good, just believe in yourself, will quickly ambitions! This will give you a good development space. Hot now recruit: clothing, makeup tools, accessories, stationery, DIY, snacks 。Another recruit long-term for booking: clothes, bags, shoes, the main, long-term rental exclusive better prices, set for 4 months 2 months!!!!! Want to rent, get gold farmers attention, the line of sight to super grid, good project early book early 。Now have clothes grid, 1.5 meters long, also can rent half a preferential price
位于X地X街的X号商铺,XX平米,地理位置好,人流量大,水暖电齐全,现诚招经营商,租金面议 。
门面出租或称商铺出租,是将门面使用权经过合法途径交与个人、团体或单位使用,从中收取租金的行为方式,门面出租不涉及到门面产权的转移 。
门面是指地平线上的第一层楼,可以是住房也可以是商铺,在城市里面基本都是商铺,而在城镇里人流量不密集的地方是住房 。
4.怎样在格子铺租一个格子第一次租格子铺(2688的),居然被骗,要租格子铺的朋友们要小心哦 。
我不是针对此格子铺,而是北街那里的某个杜姓店员,当你你要租格子铺时,特别要小心她的陷阱哦,让你卖她买过的商品,把她卖不掉的商品全部卖给你,等你放上你的商品时,她在旁边卖和你一样的,只是打五折的(因为那些是她去年没卖掉的) 。然后结账时你的商品没了,以进价赔给你,她以高价卖出 。
签协议最重要了,不给你签到期时间,等过期几天后才通知你到期了,然后你就傻傻的赔钱吧 。因为她们是没有义务在协议上签到约日期的,也没有义务在到期之前通知你的(这是她们的说辞) 。
然后不问缘由还会骂你一顿!这是我第一次租格子铺的经验,各位要租格子铺的朋友真的要好好问清楚哦,因为一些她们的规矩不会写在合约里的.这此只能算是花钱买教训了!此内容均为本人亲身经历,不是要针对什么,只想说做什么事情都要问清楚,即使是人家当时没告诉你的,因为她们后来的说辞就是那规矩了 。还有没想到的一个女大学生店员为了利益也可以这么的狡诈,前后判若两人的态度让我自愧不如 。
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