红字怎么写论文( 三 )

小珠儿长得美丽脱俗,有着倔强的性格和充沛的精力,她和那红字一起闪耀在世人的面前,在那个清教徒的社会里,他们是耻辱的象征,但也只有他们是鲜亮的 。丁梅斯代尔牧师不仅年轻俊美,而且学识渊博,善于辞令,有着极高的秉赋和极深的造诣,在教民中有着极高的威望 。
但是,自从海丝特·白兰受审以来,他的健康日趋羸弱,敏感,忧郁与恐慌弥漫了他的整个思绪,他常常夜不成寐的祷告,每逢略受惊恐或是突然遇到什么意外事件时,他的手就会拢在心上,先是一阵红潮,然后便是满面苍白,显得十分苦痛 。这一切都让齐灵渥斯看在眼里,对他产生了浓厚的兴趣,并以医生的身份与他形影相随 。
随着时间的推移,小珠儿渐渐的长大了,她穿着母亲为她做的红天鹅绒裙衫,奔跑着,跳跃着,象一团小火焰在燃烧,这耀眼的红色使清教徒们觉得孩子是另一种形式的红字,是被赋予了生命的红字!贝灵汉总督和神甫约翰·威尔逊认为小珠儿应该与母亲分开,因为她的母亲是个罪人,没有能力完成使孩子成为清教徒的重任 。但是海丝特·白兰坚决不同意 。
她大声说珠儿是上帝给她的孩子,珠儿是她的幸福!也是她的折磨!是珠儿叫她还活在世上!也是珠儿叫她受着惩罚!如果他们夺走珠儿,海丝特·白兰情愿先死给他们看 。海丝特·白兰转向丁梅斯代尔牧师,希望他能够发表意见 。
丁梅斯代尔牧师面色苍白,一只手捂住心口,那双又大又黑的眼睛深处,在烦恼和忧郁之中还有一个痛苦的天地,他认为珠儿是上帝给海丝特·白兰的孩子,应该听从上帝的安排,如果她能把孩子送上天国,那么孩子也就能把她带到天国,这是上帝神圣的旨意 。这样珠儿才没有被带走 。
这一切,都被饱经世故的齐灵渥斯看在眼里,他一点点地向丁梅斯代尔牧师内心逼近,齐灵渥斯象观察病人一样去观察他,一方面观察丁梅斯代尔牧师的日常生活,看他怎样在惯有的思路中前进,另一方面观察他被投入另一种道德境界时所表现的形态,他尽量发掘牧师内心的奥秘 。随着时间的推移,齐灵渥斯渐渐地走进了丁梅斯代尔牧师的心里,并向他的灵魂深处探进 。
一天,丁梅斯代尔牧师正在沉睡,齐灵渥斯走了进来,拨开了他的法衣,终于发现了丁梅斯代尔牧师一直隐藏的秘密——他的胸口上有着和海丝特·白兰一样的红色标记,他欣喜若狂,那是一种狂野的惊奇、欢乐和恐惧的表情!那种骇人的狂喜,绝不仅仅是由眼睛和表情所表达的,甚至是从他整个的丑陋身躯迸发出来,他将两臂伸向天花板,一只脚使劲跺着地面,以这种非同寻常的姿态放纵地表现他的狂喜!当一个宝贵的人类灵魂失去了天国,堕入撒旦的地狱之中时,那魔王知道该如何举动了 。齐灵渥斯精心地实施着他的复仇计划,他利用丁梅斯代尔牧师敏感、富于想象的特点,抓住他的负罪心理,折磨他的心灵,他把自己装扮成可信赖的朋友, 让对方向他吐露一切恐惧、自责、烦恼、懊悔、负罪感,那些向世界 。
3.《红字》 的论文论《红字》的清教观 D.Dimmesdale's attitude toward his sin In The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale and Hester commit the same sin but they suffer the different punishment and have the different attitude toward it. Since religion was such a key point of their lives, anyone who did disobey their god was looked down upon. What made religion ironically in this story is that the difference between people's attitude towards the reverend and Hester.The reverend who had committed the same sin still own high reputation but Hester was looked down upon severely. Dimmesdale said “before the judgment-seat, thy mother, and thou, and I, must stand together! But daylight of this world shall not see our meeting!”[9](P129)The reverend knows his sin and wants to be punished with Hester and Pearl, yet not until what he calls judgment day. The Puritans are intolerant of anything they consider to be evil. Their community, Boston, is an experiment, where the Christian world is watching with interest—so intolerance of evil must be their watchword. Hester is forced to openly accept her shame. Dimmesdale, her lover, is able to avoid public shame. But when Dimmesdale appeared again, it seemed that he was suffering from poor health. One reason might be that he labored long and hard at his religious duties, but another—more important—reason was probably that he was plagued by his conscience, the knowledge of his hypocrisy. And it is very ironical that as a Puritan authority to determine others' sin, Dimmesdale himself is a sinner who has committed adultery. But he is an intransigent Puritan and nothing can make him change-not even death. He becomes the embodiment of Puritanism, follows more closely than any philosophy that his relationship with God matters more than anything else, and that he must only answer to God. Hawthorne uses Dimmesdale as a symbol of Puritanism. He picks up and exaggerates the flaws in Puritanism and makes them become Dimmesdale's characteristics. Dimmesdale feels that God will punish him for his sin and that he need only answer to God for his sin, so he keeps it as a secret. He tries to live a life as if nothing has changed, but his guilt weakens him and ends him in death. “At the end of the novel, he died tragically in confession and atonement and became a victim in religious monasticism. The restraint from religion in human nature not only wrecks the god-people like Hester but also ruins the devout clergies like Dimmesdale.”[10] (48) He is the victim of the Puritan society. And another aspect of Puritanism is the source of God's will. It is in the Bible. The Puritans distrust nature as a guide for behavior, which just explain why Hester and Dimmesdale feel free in the forest during their talk. University trains clergymen such as Dimmesdale and Wilson from Cambridge, England are highly respected, for they are well able to interpret the meaning of the Bible. David, Bathsheba, and Nathan the prophet are not exactly representative of the Christian virtues of fidelity emphasized by the Puritans. 。