
1.请问"宾馆馈赠"的英文怎么写各位让一让让一让好吗?专家来了!呵呵实话难听哈,看着这些翻译让人心痛!这是我来回答的唯一原因 。
我对五星级酒店了如指掌.答案:With the compliments of/the hotel.当然你要结合语境去使用 。但是compliment或complimentary不可缺少 。
请参考下文:————————Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English的释义:with the compliments of somebody/with our compliments:formal used by a person or company when they send or give something to you例:1.With the compliments of J. Nocuold & Son. 2.Please accept these tickets with our compliments.complimentary :given free to people例1.There was a complimentary bottle of champagne in the hotel room.(注意hotel一词) 2. I've got some complimentary tickets for the theatre tonight.——————英汉大词典:With compliment from John 约翰敬赠No charge, miss. Compliments(或With the compliments)of the company.小姐,不必付钱,公司的一点小意思 。————————您还可以看看牛津高阶、剑桥,MW等等 。
2."宾馆馈赠"的英文怎么写With the compliments of/the hotel.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English的释义:
with the compliments of somebody/with our compliments:formal used by a person or company when they send or give something to you
例:1.With the compliments of J.Nocuold & Son.
2.Please accept these tickets with our
complimentary :given free to people
例1.There was a complimentary bottle of
champagne in the hotel room.(注意hotel一词)
2.I've got some complimentary tickets for the
theatre tonight.
With compliment from John 约翰敬赠
No charge,miss.Compliments(或With the compliments)of the company.小姐,不必付钱,公司的一点小意思.
实话难听哈,看着这些翻译让人心痛!这是我来回答的唯一原因 。我对五星级酒店了如指掌.
答案:With the compliments of/the hotel.
当然你要结合语境去使用 。但是compliment或complimentary不可缺少 。请参考下文:
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English的释义:
with the compliments of somebody/with our compliments:formal used by a person or company when they send or give something to you
例:1.With the compliments of J. Nocuold & Son.
2.Please accept these tickets with our
complimentary :given free to people
例1.There was a complimentary bottle of
champagne in the hotel room.(注意hotel一词)
2. I've got some complimentary tickets for the
theatre tonight.
With compliment from John 约翰敬赠
No charge, miss. Compliments(或With the compliments)of the company.小姐,不必付钱,公司的一点小意思 。
您还可以看看牛津高阶、剑桥,MW等等 。

