
1.便宜用英语怎么写1.(价钱低) cheap; inexpensive: 东西买得便宜 buy a thing cheap; 价格便宜的商店 a cheap store; 并不便宜 。
It is by no means cheap. 便宜没好货 。Cheapest is the dearest. 这种汽车便宜 。
This kind of car is inexpensive.2.(不应得的利益) small advantages; petty gain: 贪小便宜 out for small advantages; on the fiddle: 贪小便宜的假爱情 cupboard love3.(对。从轻处理) let sb. off lightly: 这次便宜了他 。
This time we have let him off lightly. 。
2.“最便宜的”用英语怎么说the cheapest 表述最便宜的时候和 the least expensive 可以等同 。
the cheapest 最便宜 拓展资料双语例句1. His best selling line is the cheapest lager at £1.99. 他最畅销的产品是最便宜的只卖1.99英镑的贮藏啤酒 。2. Old movies were the cheapest broadcast fodder. 老电影是最廉价的播放素材 。
3. Britain still boasts the cheapest postal service. 英国仍拥有最便宜的邮政服务系统 。4. He looked through the suits and selected the cheapest one for me. 他仔细地查看衣服,从中给我挑了一件最便宜的.5. Even the cheapest was priced at 10 pounds. 即使最便宜的也标价十英镑 。

