
1.“远处的”用英语怎么说远处的 : 译:forane / distant / in the distance / far away1.forane : adj. 远处的;久远的2.distant : 音标:英 ['d?st(?)nt] 美 ['d?st?nt] 释义:adj. 遥远的;冷漠的;远隔的;不友好的,冷淡的例句:1.He was exiled to a distant land. 他被放逐到一个很远的地方 。
2.Larry was exiled to a distant land. 拉里被放逐到一个很远的地方 。3.The telescope reveals many distant stars to our sight. 望远镜把许多遥远的星球显现在我们的眼前 。
3.in the distance :在远处例句:A searchlight beamed in the distance. 探照灯在远处照耀 。2.The sound of the car died away in the distance. 小轿车发出的噪音消逝在远处 。
3.From Bugues, you could see her head rising in the distance, above the hedge ofmedlar trees that separated our land from that of her children. 从比格,你可以看到她的头在远处欧楂果树的篱笆墙上露出来,篱笆墙把我们的土地跟她子女家的隔离开来 。4.far away :遥远的例句:1.Do you live far away from the city? 你住的地方离都市很远吗?2.But I feel too far away. 但我觉得有点太远了 。
【远方的英文单词怎么写】3.Suddenly they seem to be hearing something from far away. 突然,他们似乎听到什么声音从远处传来 。

