
1.她非常活泼用英语怎么说她非常活泼的英语翻译为She is very active. active 英 [??kt?v] 美 [??kt?v] adj.积极的,活跃的,有生气的;迅速的,敏捷的;有效的,起作用的 n.[语法]主动语态;积极分子,活跃的人 比较级: more active 最高级: most active 派生词: actively adv. She is very active in her new job but wishes to meet people socially outside of work. 她在新的工作中如鱼得水,但还是希望能够结识一些工作以外的朋友 。
She is very active in classroom activities I'm sure she will make a goodteacher. 她参与课堂活动非常积极 。我相信她将来可以成为一名好老师 。
【它很活泼用英语怎么写】 扩展资料She is very bubbly也可翻译成她非常活泼的意思 。1、bubbly 英 [?b?bli] 美 [?b?bli] adj.起泡的;多泡的 n.香槟酒 比较级: bubblier 最高级: bubbliest 2、very 英 [?veri] 美 [?v?ri] adj.很,非常;恰好是,正是;十足的;特有的 adv.很,非常;充分,完全 She had a bright and bubbly personality. 她性格开朗活泼 。
Guests were presented with glasses of bubbly on arrival. 客人来后,都有香槟酒招待 。
2.“活泼开朗”用英语怎么说“活泼开朗”用英语说:Lively and cheerful 。
You again good lively and cheerful helpful, also than but a face of others.你再心地善良活泼开朗乐于助人,也比不过别人的一张脸 。My assistant, snow is a young beautiful girl, lively and cheerful, soon put me as a friend can talk about anything.我的助手小雪是一下年轻美丽女孩,活泼开朗,很快就把我当成无话不谈的朋友 。
I was a good student, you taught me that hate words, so I very like. As long as your lessons, youare so lively and cheerful.我是你的好学生,你教会了我那讨厌的单词,使我变得很喜欢 。只要是您的课,您都是那么活泼开朗 。
Individuals are equal, as long as Ken intentions are certain to succeed! Lively and cheerful, positive person ecology.个人来说都是平等的,只要肯用心就一定能成功!个性活泼开朗,有积极的人生态 。I am a lively and cheerful girl.我是一个性格开朗、活泼的女生 。

