
1.累计净现金流量第一问傻的 。累计,顾名思义,就是你要第几年的就把前面每年的净现值累加就好了 。比如第二年就-1000+0+200
1.套净现值公式,就把所有第t期净现金流量乘上个(1+Ic)^-t次 累加起来
2.第一种方法死套,第二种就理解着来,其实就是解释净现值公式的意思,换了种说法,即 用价值方程以及贴现因子v的概念 。
x+1000=200v^2+400v^3+ 。+700v
^6,x解出来就行 。
2.累计净现金流量第一问傻的 。
累计,顾名思义,就是你要第几年的就把前面每年的净现值累加就好了 。比如第二年就-1000+0+200第二问也简单的,这边有二种方法:1.套净现值公式,就把所有第t期净现金流量乘上个(1+Ic)^-t次 累加起来2.第一种方法死套,第二种就理解着来,其实就是解释净现值公式的意思,换了种说法,即 用价值方程以及贴现因子v的概念 。
例如以第0年为比较日,有价值方程x+1000=200v^2+400v^3+ 。+700v^6,x解出来就行 。
简单来说就是把所有现金流贴现到初始的累计值 。
3.中小企业现金流量管理英文摘要SMEs are the economic and social development of China's important efforts to promote the development of SMEs is to maintain stable and rapid development of the national economy an important basis for the relationship between people's livelihood and social stability is a major strategic task. In cash flow management for enterprise survival and development of great significance, while the small and medium enterprises operation and management of its particularity, its cash flow management is particularly important in a market economy, enterprises of the basic activities are carried out are dependent on sufficient cash flow, cash-like businesses, like the blood, the normal operation of enterprises play an irreplaceable role. A good cash flow situation, is often a good business operations, financial health, performance, and an unhealthy or non-smooth cash flow position, it will enable enterprises or income loss, or mired in financial trouble as well as business unsustainable predicament. It can be said, good job the firm's cash flow for enterprises, both necessary and important. SMEs to succeed in the fierce competition in the market to survive, it must be strengthened and emphasis on cash flow management. In this paper, present, China's SMEs, the meaning of cash flow management, content, status, the need for specific applications and problems of a systematic analysis, combined with the market environment and the SME's own characteristics, proposed a series of reforms and improve the cash traffic management measures. 。
第七章现金流量表分析案例:北亚实业的利润含金量北亚实业(集团)股份有限公司自1995年上市以来9年平均净资产收益率8.68%的公司从2004年起连续三年分别报出2.58亿、2.63亿和12.92亿的巨额亏损 。经查实,北亚实业1998年至2003年年度共报告运输业务收入为73,944.91万元,其中通过虚构未实际发生的业务虚增收入67,217.56万元 。其实北亚实业盈利质量恶化的讯号早已在报表中出现 。根据北亚实业的财务报表,1998-2003年期间共实现净利润4.81亿元,而在这期间共获得经营活动现金流量净额0.62亿元,净利润的含金量仅为13% 。北亚实业净利润与经营性现金流量的结合分析会计期间净利润58,105,865.3182,773,503.70100,834,470.7875,390,439.96107,494,490.7156,743,586.86经营活动产生的现金流量净额-52,152,996.4712,360,473.5283,182,659.0151,133,035.8697,794,372.59-129,575,688.04净利润含金量-89.76%14.93%82.49%67.82%90.98%-228.35%合计481,342,357.3262,741,856.4713.03%以收付实现制为基础编制的现金流量表,被人们比作是“利润的测谎仪” 。净利润的含金量过低,属于典型的“纸面富贵”,这种“富贵”往往是难以为继的 。因为净利润持续高于经营活动产生的现金流量净额很可能走向两种结果,其一,销售是真实的,但没有收回现金,存在现金回收风险;其二,销售是虚构的,所以何来现金?北亚实