
1.中国以莲子著名的英语作文As we all konw,China is famous of semen nelumbinis.And how much do you kown about it?Now,let me say something about semen nelumbinis.Semen nelubinis produces innthe north and south provinces of China,it can be used for medicine.In a word,semen nelubinis is very effective. 。
lotus 也作 lo.tos
an aquatic plant(nelumbo nucifera) native to southern asia and australia, having large leaves, fragrant, pinkish flowers, a broad, rounded, perforated seedpod, and fleshy rhizomes.
荷 , 莲:一种水生植物(莲属 莲)  , 生长在南亚和澳大利亚 , 具有硕大的叶子 , 香味 , 粉色花 , 并有宽 , 圆而且带孔的心皮 , 有多肉的块茎
the edible seed, leaf, or rhizome of this plant.
莲子 , 莲藕:这种植物的可食性种子、叶子或根茎
any of several similar or related plants, such as the water liliesnymphaea caerula or n. lotus.
几种与之相似或相关的植物 , 比如红白睡莲属 或 齿叶睡莲属 的水仙
a representation of any of various lotuses or similar or related plants in egyptian or classical sculpture, architecture, or art.
莲饰:在埃及或古典雕刻 , 建筑或艺术品中几种莲属植物的 , 或与之相似或与之有关的任何一种植物的代表
any of several leguminous plants of the genuslotus.
睡莲:一种白脉根属植物 , 睡莲
3.英文版莲花的资料Lotus of perennial aquatic plants. Rhizome (lotus) hypertrophy multi-section, will occur in the water sediment. Shield-shaped leaves circular, the surface dark green, were waxy white powder on the back of gray-green, full-margin and were wavy. Petioles cylindrical, dense barb. Hua Shan was born in pedicel to the top, high above the surface of the water care, there is Rosa xanthina, double valve, plena and re-sets and other flowers; colored white, pink, dark red, lavender or indirectly, such as changes in color; stamen majority; pistil from the Health and buried in mass inverted cone-shaped sponge receptacle, the receptacle surface of a honeycomb-like holes in the majority of scattered, enlarged gradually after fertilization is called Lian Peng, each hole of endogenous small nuts (seeds). Flowering in June -9 months, the daily morning twilight closed to open. Fruit maturity in September -10 months. Lotus cultivars are many different uses can be divided in accordance with lotus lotus, lotus and Hualien three major sub-systems. Lotus originating in China, from Vietnam to Afghanistan are generally located in Central Asia, West Asia, North America, India, China, Japan and other subtropical and temperate regions. China as early as more than 3000 years ago, that is cultivated today in Liaoning and Zhejiang were found carbonized ancient lotus seeds, it shows a long history. Taiwan region is only 100 years ago, imported from Japan, at present, Paiho Tainan, Chiayi area, cultivating an area of nearly 350 hectares, the size of the majority, to become Taiwan's main tourist areas. Some remote areas in Asia so far there are wild lotus, but most of the lotus are planted to serve as a landscape ornamental and food, for example, Lotus has been in China as an economic crop. Many people have the misconception that flowers produced in Egypt and the Mediterranean area. BC about 500 years, introduced the Egyptian lotus, may be caused by the Persians had brought. Ancient Egyptians decorated temples, capitals of the "lotus bud", imitated from the water lily, while Homer's epic "Olympic Lotus Cup" (Odyssey) is to drink down Zhe using date (with Lin does not matter) brewed beverages to enter Yi-ran to forget about trouble situation. The Greek writer Herodotus described Egypt's multi-Thoss when the plant wrote: "Like the river some roses grow lilies, like the yellow fruit grows in a pod where cellular. There are many like the olive-sized fruit can be consumed, you can eat fresh in , you can also eat dry. "He said obviously lotus. 荷花为多年生水生植物 。