
读法:英 ['spe?(?)lt?] 美 ['sp???lti]
1、n. 专业 , 专长;特产;特性;招牌菜
2、adj. 特色的;专门的;独立的
local specialty土特产
specialty restaurant风味餐厅
Photograph Specialty摄影专业
nursing specialty护理专业
1、Unless yourphysics specialty is deeply theoretical or has to do with astrophysics, you can usually find an industry job that is related to your work.
除非你的物理学专业极端理论化 , 或者是天体物理 , 否则你通常是可以在工业界找到一个相关的职位的 。
2、Systems Engineering integrates all the disciplines and specialty groups into a team effort, forming a structured development process that proceeds from concept to production to operation.
系统工程将所有规程和专业团队整合在一起 , 形成了一个从概念到生产 , 从生产到操作的结构化开发过程 。
读法:英 [pr?'fe?(?)n] 美 [pr?'f???n]
释义:n. 职业 , 专业;声明 , 宣布 , 表白
1、caring profession护理行业
2、Recognized Profession公认职业
3、Service profession服务专业
4、solemn profession终身圣愿
Comrade Bethune was a doctor; the art of healing was his profession and he was constantly perfecting his skill.
白求恩同志是个医生 , 他以医疗为职业 , 对技术精益求精 。
2.请教一些特产的英语怎么说啊【特产英文怎么写】大米粥度 millet gruel 小米粥 steamed bun/steamed bread 馒头 steamed twisted roll 花卷 meat pie 馅饼专 pancake 煎饼 meatbun/steamed bread with stuffings 包子 dumpling 饺子 wonton/dumpling soup 馄饨 noodles 面条 sichuan style noodles with peppery sauce 担担面 fried noodles 炒面 stretched noodles 拉面 noodles with soup 汤面 noodles with soybean paste 炸酱面 beef noodles 牛肉属面 spring roll/egg roll 春卷 rice noodles 米线 sweet dumpling 元宵 egg fried rice 蛋炒饭 deep-fried dough sticks 油条 soybean milk 豆浆 muffin 松糕/饼 cruller 油饼 。
3.介绍家乡特产的英语作文A specialty of my hometown have a lot of a lot of, let me introduce you to a!On it with a yellow skin, skin potholes, uneven, the skin peeled off, revealing its fruit, it's wearing a pink coat, take off his coat you gently, you will find it whiten skin, and a light, fresh scent, if you personally have a taste, sweet and delicious, oh so nice! Friend, do you know what he is? Guess not to come out, I'll give you a riddle about it!Jute child,The red curtains,Living with a white and fat man.Friend, did you guess? And I told you, this is our hometown specialty, peanuts, its role can be big! It can be squeezed, supplement our body is lack of vitamins and minerals, it also has the medical function, it can be blood tonic, it is not only the general, it is very delicious, and it's how to eat have several kinds, if eating Fried, put some salt, it is fragrant crisp delicious, such as cooked, it is but one word, "tender" are particularly sweet, it can also make the peanut, peanut crisp 。
. ? Going about you? .Our hometown specialty and many, many, such as: pear, walnut, cotton, sesame oil 。Said also said not over, they are waiting for you to explore! 。

