
1.写一篇关于鹦鹉的英语作文(5句话左右)1 Parrot is a bird.
2 Parrot is very beautiful
3 Parrot is clever.
4 IT can speak words like human.
5 I like it very much.
Parrot is a bird and it is very beautiful .IT is clever,it also can speak words like our human.i like it very much.
5句话啊 , 要怎么才算好.每句都是20多个单词的?
“鹦鹉”的英文parrot读音:英 [?p?r?t] 美 [?per?t]
鹦鹉; 应声虫 , 学舌者; 机械模仿别人的人;
机械地重复; 随声附和; 死背; 做…的应声虫
复数: parrots
过去式: parroted
过去分词: parroted
现在分词: parroting
第三人称单数: parrots
1. Generations of students have learnt to parrot the standard explanations.
一代又一代学生学会了机械地重复这些标准解释 。
2. Many literary academics simply parrot a set of impressive-sounding phrases.
许多文人只是机械地模仿一套听上去令人印象深刻的说法 。
3. The parrot squawked and flew away.
【五瓶鹦鹉英语怎么写】鹦鹉尖声叫了叫飞走了 。
4. He keeps a parrot in a birdcage in his living room.
他在客厅的鸟笼里养了一只鹦鹉 。
5. Mary is as sick as a parrot about losing her watch.
玛丽丢了表之后非常不高兴 。
3.鹦鹉用英语怎么写鹦鹉[词典]parrot; poll parrot; popinjay; [电影]Paulie例句:1、2113Some parrots can imitate sounds and repeat words and sentences.有些鹦5261鹉能模仿4102(人的)声音 ,  还能学人说一1653些单词和句子 。
2、A flight of green parrots shot out of the cedar forest.一群绿专鹦鹉从杉木林里疾速飞出 。3、If you have not kept a pet parrot before, it would bewise to purchase a handbook on the subject.如果以前没有养过鹦鹉 , 最好买一本相关的饲养属手册 。
4.鹦鹉的英语怎么读鹦鹉 ['p?r?t]
n. parrot
情侣鹦鹉 Lovebird ; African lovebird ; Agapornis ; Unzertrennliche
鹦鹉螺号 Nautilus ; USS Nautilus ; Nautile
回声鹦鹉 Mauritius Parakeet ; Echo Parakeet ; Psittacula eques echo ; Psittacula echo
牡丹鹦鹉 Agapornis fischeri ; Psittacula agapornis ; Nyasa Lovebird ; Agapornis personata
公主鹦鹉 Princess Parrot ; Polytelis alexandrae
鹦鹉女神 Sekirei ; Pure Engagement
海鹦鹉 Puffin
尚鹦鹉 Monk Parakeet
鹦鹉龙 Psittacosaurus ; Parrot Dragon
5.鹦鹉 英文作文A parrot is any of about 330 species of bird belonging to the Psittaciformes, the biological order which includes both the Psittacidae (or "true parrots") and the Cacatuidae (or cockatoos). Parrots have a characteristic curved beak shape with the upper mandible having slight mobility in the joint with the skull and a generally erect stance. All parrots are zygodactyl, having the four toes on each foot placed two at the front and two back.
Parrots can be found in most of the warm parts of the world, including India, southeast Asia and west Africa, with one species, now extinct, in the United States (the Carolina Parakeet). By far the greatest number of parrot species, however, come from Australasia, South America and Central America.

