annualreport怎么写 report怎么写假设是写耐克、
中文:在一个形象代表一切的世界里 , 耐克的是全世界最多人认得的标志之一 。要了解耐克的成功与企业文化 , 对于其标志的了解是不可或缺的 , 因为它是让耐克品牌变得无所不在的一个商业标志 。由于实在太知名 , 以至于在耐克的广告中只见到耐克的标志 , 而没有看到公司的名字 , 因为他们有充分的把握 , 人们看到这个符号即知道这是耐克 , 毋须出现只字片语 。它成为一个文化的圣像 , 一个耐克用来提高品牌价值、知名度 , 以及地位的圣像 。没有一家体育用品公司的品牌像它那么为人所知 。为了证明此点 , 只消问问任何一个人锐步的标志是什么 。他们可能脑中一片空白 。事实上 , 锐步的标志以一个“矢”代表 , 它仅仅没有准备好 , 让消费者认识或想要见到它 。而耐克在与广告商成后与肯尼迪(wicden Kemledy)的合作下 ,  。假设是写耐克、
中文:在一个形象代表一切的世界里 , 耐克的是全世界最多人认得的标志之一 。要了解耐克的成功与企业文化 , 对于其标志的了解是不可或缺的 , 因为它是让耐克品牌变得无所不在的一个商业标志 。由于实在太知名 , 以至于在耐克的广告中只见到耐克的标志 , 而没有看到公司的名字 , 因为他们有充分的把握 , 人们看到这个符号即知道这是耐克 , 毋须出现只字片语 。它成为一个文化的圣像 , 一个耐克用来提高品牌价值、知名度 , 以及地位的圣像 。没有一家体育用品公司的品牌像它那么为人所知 。为了证明此点 , 只消问问任何一个人锐步的标志是什么 。他们可能脑中一片空白 。事实上 , 锐步的标志以一个“矢”代表 , 它仅仅没有准备好 , 让消费者认识或想要见到它 。而耐克在与广告商成后与肯尼迪(wicden Kemledy)的合作下 , 希望这个勾勾标志能在所有广告中清楚地被看见 。公司的广告与营销预算 , 估计约高达年收入的10% , 就为了将它的符号深深烙刻在消费者的脑海中 。
英文:In a world where an image represents all, Nike is one of the most widely recognized symbols of the world. If you want success with the Nike culture, are essential to its understanding of signs, because it is a business logo of the Nike brand became ubiquitous. Because is so famous, so much that the Nike ads Nike logo was seen in, but did not see the company's name, because they have a full grasp of people see the sign that knew it was Nike, do not need to appear a short note. It became a cultural imagery, a Nike to improve brand value, visibility, and the status of the imagery. Does not have a sports goods company brands like it then known. To prove this point, just ask anyone what is Reebok logo. They might mind drew a blank. In fact, the Reebok logo with a "vector" represents, it's just not ready, so that consumers know or want to see it. And Nike and advertisers into when Kennedy (wicden Kemledy) in cooperation with, if that mark can clearly be seen in all advertising. The company's advertising and marketing budgets, it is estimated that up to annual revenues of about 10%, just to the symbol marked deeply engraved in the minds of consumers.
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5年内的财务报表一目了然 , 而且在Key ratios里面还有10年的历史记录.