玉米的英文介绍怎么写( 二 )

英 ['m??ru?m; -r?m];美 ['m??r?m]
n. 蘑菇 , 伞菌;蘑菇形物体
adj. 蘑菇的;蘑菇形的;迅速生长的
vi. 采蘑菇;迅速生长
例:There are many types of wild mushrooms.
有许多种野生蘑菇 。
英 [me?z];美 [mez]
n. 玉米;黄色 , 玉米色
例:In some African markets maize and wheat prices have risen by 30% this year.
今年 , 在一些非洲市场上 , 玉米和小麦的价格上涨了30% 。
6.关于玉米介绍的英语翻译Today, I want to introduce a kind of vegetable corn.Corn is one of the three major grain crops, is the world recognized gold food.Originating in South America Peru. In early 7,000 years ago, has planted local indians only crops, be regarded as "goddess" bread maize. In 1942, Christopher Columbus, will ShenPin, called "corn as" Indian seeds, plug all over the world. Corn was introduced into China about in the 16th century, when the emperor of China, aliens come as a tribute, Chinese grain corn, wheat as "imperial". For high yield of corn mature faster, cold-resistant, ability is strong, and extremely nutritional value, so soon became the world's grain crops. Especially nearly a century, along with the development of science and technology, as well as food for health and diet, and constantly improve the understanding of the significance of corn nutrition more attention. American food association will corn as "pearl" crown, Japan will be regarded as "national treasure" corn, China's famous nutritionists in truth; if wood, "Corn is long, is when the staple food; the qualification" The world health organization (WHO) will also called human dietary structure of corn opportunely balance ambassador.This is my mom gave me the gift of maize (-), because the shape of the fudge mother know my flower was corn. So I gave me.My introduction. Hope you eat corn, eat corn for health. 。
7.玉米的英文和音标有三种:一:corn [kC:n] n.1〔英〕谷物; 五谷2〔美、加、澳〕玉米3〔苏、爱〕燕麦 ,  [英]小麦4老套而陈旧的笑话(指故事、音乐等)5谷粒 ,  (胡椒 ,  水果等的)子6〔美口〕玉米威士忌酒7〔美俚〕钱Chinese corn粟Indian corn玉蜀黍corn flour(精磨)玉米面corn flakes玉米片corn bread玉米面包corn chip[美]玉米煎饼corn stalk麦〔玉米〕杆corn beef[美]碎咸牛肉词性变化:corn[kC:n]vt.1使成料状2腌(肉类等)3给(土地)种上谷物4以谷物喂(牲畜)vi.(谷穗等)成熟 ,  结实继承用法corncake[`kR:nkeIk]n.玉米饼corncob[5kC:nkRb]n.玉米芯 ,  玉米穗轴corncrib[`kR:nkrIb]n.[美]玉米透风仓 ,  玉米囤cornflower[5kC:nflaJE(r)]n.矢车菊cornhusker[`kR:n9hQskE(r)]n.玉米穗剥皮人〔机〕cornhusking[`kR:n9hQskIN]n.[美]剥玉米; 剥玉米会(一般有舞会等)cornmeal[`kR:nmi:l]n.麦片 ,  [美]玉米粉 机cornmintn.日本薄荷corn-pickern.玉米摘穗机cornstockn.玉米杆; 麦秸cornstarch[`kR:nstB:tF]n.玉米淀粉cornlessadj.无籽粒的cornletn.未成熟的玉米仁习惯用语acknowledge the corn认错 ,  承认事实 ,  (辩论中)认输admit the corn认错 ,  承认事实 ,  (辩论中)认输confess the corn认错 ,  承认事实 ,  (辩论中)认输carry corn[俚]不因成功而忘乎所以; 不得意忘形(借喻马吃玉米后的状态)eat one's corn in the blade寅吃卯粮 ,  (钱)未入先出 ,  挥霍无度feed sb. on soft corn[美俚]奉承某人 ,  拍某人的马屁measure another's corn by one's own bushel以已度人 ,  拿自己做标准衡量别人sell corn on the hoof以饲养牲畜的方式出售谷物(即不直接出售谷物 ,  而以谷物饲养牲畜 ,  然后将牲畜出售)corn in Egypt大量的食物; 充裕; 供应意想不到地多特殊用法barley corn大麦粒broom corn高梁 ,  帚高梁burnt corn焦谷粒canned crushed corn玉米碎粒罐头 ,  罐装玉米碎粒canned whole grain corn整玉米粒罐头cream-style canned corn玉米糊罐头dent corn臼齿形(顶陷)玉米dredge corn混合谷物饲料; 脱下的玉米粒guinnea corn (=millet)高粱 ,  蜀黍hard corn小麦 ,  黑麦kafir corn高粱Lent corn (grain)[英]斋谷Maryland-style canned corn马里兰式甜玉米罐头(盐水整粒玉米罐头)pepper corn干胡椒 ,  胡椒子 ,  胡椒粒rice corn稻米; 白高粱saracen corn (Fagopyrum)荞麦shelled corn玉米粒standing corn未割的庄稼〔谷物〕sugar corn甜玉米 ,  餐用玉米table corn甜玉米 ,  餐用玉米sweet corn甜玉米 ,  餐用玉米sugared popped corn加糖玉米花sun-red corn日光红玉米turkey corn紫堇waxy corn蜡质种玉米whole kernel corn整粒玉米二:maize [meiz] n.玉米 ,  黄色adj.玉米色的 ,  黄色的现代英汉综合大词典maize[meiz]n.[英]【植】玉蜀黍 ,  玉米(美国、加拿大叫 corn)玉米色 ,  黄色the maize country[美]穷乡僻壤词性变化maize[meiz]adj.玉米色的 ,  黄色的特殊变化cut maize玉米片true maize (=flint corn)黄质玉米yellow maize黄玉米leaf spot maize玉米叶小斑病white maize白玉米三:mealie['mi:li]n.玉米mealie['mi:li]n.1玉米果穗 ,  玉蜀黍穗2[pl. ]玉米 ,  玉蜀黍 。