
1.玉米的英文怎么写1. corn
2. maize
3. Indian corn
4. mealie
5. Zea mays
6. Zea mais
1. 玉米在美洲广泛种植 。
Maize is widely planted in the America.
2. 这些玉米秧正茁壮生长 。
These corn plants are very vigorous.
3. 去年玉米丰收 。
There was an abundance of corn last year.
4. 玉米不久就要结穗了 。
The corn will soon ear.
5. 农夫很高兴地看着成堆的玉米 。
The farmer was pleased to see his piles of corns on the cob.
Today, I want to introduce a kind of vegetable corn.
Corn is one of the three major grain crops, is the world recognized gold food.
Originating in South America Peru. In early 7,000 years ago, has planted local indians only crops, be regarded as "goddess" bread maize. In 1942, Christopher Columbus, will ShenPin, called "corn as" Indian seeds, plug all over the world. Corn was introduced into China about in the 16th century, when the emperor of China, aliens come as a tribute, Chinese grain corn, wheat as "imperial". For high yield of corn mature faster, cold-resistant, ability is strong, and extremely nutritional value, so soon became the world's grain crops. Especially nearly a century, along with the development of science and technology, as well as food for health and diet, and constantly improve the understanding of the significance of corn nutrition more attention. American food association will corn as "pearl" crown, Japan will be regarded as "national treasure" corn, China's famous nutritionists in truth; if wood, "Corn is long, is when the staple food; the qualification" The world health organization (WHO) will also called human dietary structure of corn opportunely balance ambassador.
This is my mom gave me the gift of maize (-), because the shape of the fudge mother know my flower was corn. So I gave me.
My introduction. Hope you eat corn, eat corn for health.
3.怎样用英语介绍玉米用简单的英语介绍玉米corncorn 1AHD:[k?rn] D.J.[k%8n]K.K.[k%rn]n.(名词)Any of numerous cultivated forms of a widely grown,usually tall annual cereal grass(Zea mays) bearing grains or kernels on large ears.谷物:广泛生长的 , 通常高大的一年生的多种禾谷类作物的任一种 , (玉蜀黍 玉蜀黍属) 在大的穗上长有谷粒 The grains or kernels of this plant,used as food for human beings and livestock or for the extraction of an edible oil or starch.谷粒:这种植物的颗粒 , 是人类和牲畜的食品 , 也用来提取食用油或淀粉An ear of this plant.Also called Indian corn ,maize 谷穗 , 玉米:这种植物的穗也作 Indian corn,maizeChiefly British Any of various cereal plants or grains,especially the principal crop cultivated in a particular region,such as wheat in England or oats in Scotland.【多用于英国】 谷类:各种禾谷类作物中的任一种 , 尤指某特定地区的主要作物 , 例如英格兰的小麦或苏格兰的燕麦 。
4.“玉米”的英文怎么写cornmaizeIndian cornmealieZea maysZea mais玉米在美洲广泛种植 。
Maize is widely planted in the America.这些玉米秧正茁壮生长 。These corn plants are very vigorous.去年玉米丰收 。
There was an abundance of corn last year.玉米不久就要结穗了 。The corn will soon ear.农夫很高兴地看着成堆的玉米 。
The farmer was pleased to see his piles of corns on the cob 。. 。
英 [k??n];美 [k?rn]
n. (美)玉米;(英)谷物
vt. 腌;使成颗粒
例:Which type do you like about corn products?
例:The major crops in this area are corn and soybeans.
在这个地区的主要的作物是谷物和大豆 。