
1.关于艺术节的英语作文Our Art Festival
“Work while you work and play while you play, this is the way to be happy and gay. ”The .Art Festival① held in our school let us have a good time after the hard work of a long term .On Friday afternoon at the end of last term, our class, that is, Class 5 of Senior Two, had a wonderful party to celebrate this happy festival.
First we had music and dance----piano sonata②,exciting songs, brilliant waltz③ dance, then most popular disco④ music, etc, ---- all this made us extremely happy.
Then we had one competition after another. It was soon about five o'clock before we knew it. The most exciting program began: Cooking Competition . Each group of our class had to make some special dishes . At once students became cooks, though they coudn't tell the salt from gourmet powder⑤ the day before.
At seven o'clock all dishes were ready.“Ah, it tastes wonderfully delicious,”someone shouted. Then here and there applause was heard.
At last we had to finish our party . When we said good-bye to each other, we had the same feeling in our hearts: “We wish to have more and more of such wonderful time in our school life. We young students need to be happy after our lessons . Our life should be filled with joy.”
2.艺术节英语作文[艺术节英语作文]上午,同学们都穿着血红色的班服来到教室,个个都精神抖擞脸上露着神气的笑容,大家都想为班级争光,加紧练习准备在比赛中大显身手,艺术节英语作文 。
一转眼之间,就到了中午,大家都已迫不及待了,胡乱地吃了几口饭,便回到教室里去了,有的同学在想像着当时的场面,有的在教室里疯玩,还有的在高歌;我们是共产主义接班人……突然,李壵坷闯进来喊:蒋老师来了!同学们都回到座位上安静地做作业 。蒋老师走进教室,说:把手中的东西放在一边,我们准备化妆了!啊!边柯尖叫起来,兴奋的心情一下子沉重起来,突然边柯像脱缰的野马似的逃离出教室,东躲西藏的 。
大家都化好了妆,陆续地进入了场地,首先,主持人陈蔚然用流利的英语说了报幕词 。301班唱队歌了,他们那嘹亮的歌声传进我们的耳朵里,我们不比你们差呢!我在心里嘀咕着 。
轮到我们班了!迈着整齐的步伐上了台,合着音乐,指挥员汪婷打起了节拍,响亮的歌声燃起:我们是共产主义接班人,继承……结束后,指挥员向评委,观众鞠了一躬,我们便下了台 。我和其他七位唱英文歌的同学来到后场换衣服 。
301班的英文歌结束后,紧接着我们上了台唱英文歌《I'm a Littlesnman》了,跟着音乐,穿着漂亮的公主裙,做着优着的动作,唱着动听的歌曲:I'm Little teaput,short and stout……我们大家都感到自豪与骄傲 。这次英语文艺术节圆满结束,但动听的歌声仍在我脑海里飘荡 。
Work while you work and play while you play, this is the way to be happy and gay. The .Art Festival① held in our school let us have a good time after the hard work of a long term .On Friday afternoon at the end of last term, our class, that is, Class 5 of Senior Two, had a wonderful party to celebrate this happy festival.First we had music and dance----piano sonata②,exciting songs, brilliant waltz③ dance, then most popular disco④ music, etc, ---- all this made us extremely happy.Then we had one competition after another. It was soon about five o\'clock before we knew it. The most exciting program began: Cooking Competition . Each group of our class had to make some special dishes . At once students became cooks, though they coudn\'t tell the salt from gourmet powder⑤ the day before.At seven o\'clock all dishes were ready.Ah, it tastes wonderfully delicious,someone shouted. Then here and there applause was heard.At last we had to finish our party . When we said good-bye to each other, we had the same feeling in our hearts: We wish to have more and more of such wonderful time in our school life. We young students need to be happy after our lessons . Our life should be filled with joy.Our Art FestivalWork while you work and play while you play, this is the way to be happy and gay. The .Art Festival① held in our school let us have a good time after the hard work of a long term .On Friday afternoon at the end of last term, our class, that is, Class 5 of Senior Two, had a wonderful party to celebrate this happy festival.First we had music and dance----piano sonata②,exciting songs, brilliant waltz③ dance, then most popular disco④ music, etc, ---- all this made us extremely happy.Then we had one competition after another. It was soon about five o\'clock before we knew it. The most exciting program began: Cooking Competition . Each group of our class had to make some special dishes . At once students became cooks, though they coudn\'t tell the salt from gourmet powder⑤ the day before.At seven o\'clock all dishes were ready.Ah, it tastes wonderfully delicious,someone shouted. Then here and there applause was heard.At last we had to finish our party . When we said good-bye to each other, we had the same feeling in our hearts: We wish to have more and more of such wonderful time in our school life. We young students need to be happy after our lessons . Our life should be filled with joy. 。