
1.上初中一个月的总结怎么写似水流年,今天的我们已不再是在草地里玩过家家的小朋友;今天的我们已不再是大声朗读“床前明月光”的小学生;今天的我们已经告别童年,走向青春 。
带着对未来的憧憬,我们来到了人大附中,走进了初一生活 。开学已经一个月了,对新的环境有了一定的了解 。
面对初一生活也有许多感受 。上初一了,第一个感觉是新鲜 。
校园是那样干净整洁、绿树成荫;老师讲课是那样富有活力、引人入胜;同学们相处是那样融洽、愉快;现代化的图书馆、电教中心、网络中心以及实验室又让我流连忘返 。这一切与小学都有着很大差异,是我感到无比新鲜、有趣 。
上初一了,第二个感觉是对未来的憧憬与向往 。开学典礼上,我们怀着激动的心情把美好的心愿系在气球上,放飞到蓝天 。
大家的愿望各色各样,有的希望做个音乐家,把中国的传统音乐推向世界;有的希望做个采访人员,让全人类都为中国今天的飞速发展而惊叹;有的希望做个文学家,让人们听到社会角落里的弱小声音……理想要通过行动才能实现,初中这三年,我们会给未来打下坚实的基础,朝目标一步步迈进 。上初一了,再有的感觉便使紧张 。
在中学,尤其是优秀的中学,学习的竞争相当激烈,从而也会有一定的压力 。稍不留神成绩就会拉在队伍后面,所以丝毫不能放松,要时时都处在学习状态 。
我们必须要适应这种紧张的学习气氛才能在三年的学习中取得成绩 。上初一了,既激动又期待还紧张 。
但无论如何,从一点一滴做起,融入到新生活中,让我们以昂扬的心态面对初一生活 。Homecoming, today we are no longer in the grass playing house children ; Today we are no longer read aloud "Moonlight " pupils ; Today we have bid farewell to childhood , to youth. With a vision for the future , we came RDFZ , walked into the first day of life .School has been a month, to the new environment has a certain understanding. The face of the first day of life , there are many feelings. On the first day , the first feeling is fresh . The campus is so clean, tree-lined ; teacher lectures are so vibrant , fascinating ; students get along is so harmonious , pleasant ; modern library , audio-visual center, network center and laboratory let me linger. All this with the elementary school have a very different, I feel very fresh and fun.On the first day , the second feeling is longing and yearning for the future . Opening ceremony , we remember with emotion the good wishes tied balloon , flying into the blue sky . Everyone's desire diverse , and some want to be a musician, to China 's traditional music to the world ; others want to be a reporter , so that all mankind is the rapid development of China today marvel ; others want to be a literary home, let people hear the voice of the weak social corner。
ideal to be achieved through action , junior high this year , we will give a solid foundation for the future , one step forward toward the target . On the first day , and then it makes some sense of tension . In secondary schools , especially secondary schools are excellent , learning is highly competitive , so there will be some pressure. Results will be all too easy to pull behind the team , so did not relax , to learn all the time in the state . We must learn to adapt to such a tense atmosphere in the three years of study in order to obtain results. On the first day , and both excited and looking forward to further tensions . Nevertheless, from the start bit by bit , into a new life, let us spirited attitude to face the first day of life . 。
2.初中学习月度总结怎么写首先总结这个月你学到了什么,有哪些收获,存在哪些不足,哪些方面没有做好,然后你的努力方向是什么,学习上要怎样,要发扬哪些优点,克服哪些缺点 不太难啊,大体思路是这样 给楼主一篇范文,楼主参考下哈 回顾·回味·期盼 时间像那无情的流水,朝朝暮暮间滚滚东去 。