
1.四叶草的英文怎么写四叶草的英文是:Clover 。
clover 英[?kl??v?(r)] 美[?klo?v?(r)]
n. 四叶草; 生活舒适而富裕; 养尊处优; 生活优裕;
【四叶草英语单词怎么写】[例句]Herds are fattening on the early clover.
家畜吃早春的苜蓿而上膘 。
愿这棵四叶草带来您爱荣誉健康和财富 。
May this clover bring you love honour health and wealth.
当你捡起它的时候 , 你看到了四叶草!
When you pick it off you find a Four Leaf Clover!
如果你有幸得到四叶草 , 请好好保存吧 , 她能带给你幸福!
If you are lucky to have a clover, please preserve it carefully, and it brings you happiness.
Forage crops like clover and alfalfa could be planted.
可以种植饲料类作物 , 比如四叶草和苜蓿 。
Out of curiosity, I asked the owner of the four-leaf clover is how so many come.
出于好奇 , 我问店主这么多的四叶草是如何得来的 。
2.四叶草用英文怎么说四叶草的英文:four-leafed clover 关于四叶草的英语知识:One leaf for name , (一叶带来荣誉) One leaf for wealth , (一叶带来财富) One for a faithfully lover , (一叶带来爱情) One for glorious health , (一叶带来健康) All in this four-leafed clover.(四叶草啊!你拥有了这四种能力.) 扩展资料:歌曲four leaf clover演唱者:Diana Vickers(戴安娜·维克斯) , 所属专辑:Songs from the Tainted Cherry Tree , 发行时间: 2010年04月30日 。
歌词:Boy you let me down 小子 , 你让我失望 I tried too hard & I feel numb Now 我如此努力 , 现在却已经麻木 That crooked smile & the charm that drew me in 那痞气的笑容和魅力吸引了我 Your beautiful eyes Can hide so many things 你美丽的眼睛隐藏了那么多秘密 You were my Four Leaf Clover 你是我的四叶草 My pure white dove 我的纯洁白鸽 You were my lightning strike & my knock on wood 你是我的闪电 , 你是我的幸运 My hope my faith My luck love 我的希望 , 我的信仰 , 我幸运的爱 You were my shooting star That lit up the sky 你是我滑过长空的流星 Then you broke the mirror & made me cry 你却打破了伪装 , 使我哭泣 No hope no faith No luck no love 没有希望 , 没有信仰 , 没有幸运 , 没有爱 Just ordinary 只剩平凡 Oh I'm not nieve 我不傻 But I thought you were the perfect thing For me 但我本以为你对我来说是完美的 Don't get me wrong You can be wonderful sometimes 别让我认为我错了 , 有时你也很完美 But then you're lost And you can't look me in the eyes 但你就这么消失了 , 你的眼睛不再看向我 You were my Four Leaf Clover My pure white dove 你是我的四叶草 , 我的纯洁白鸽 You were my lightning strike & my knock on wood 你是我的闪电 , 你是我的幸运 My hope my faith My luck & my love 我的希望 , 我的信仰 , 我幸运的爱 You were my shooting star That lit up the sky 你是我滑过长空的流星 Then you broke the mirror & made me cry 你却打破了伪装 , 使我哭泣 No hope no faith No luck no love 没有希望 , 没有信仰 , 没有幸运 , 没有爱 Just ordinary 只剩平凡 Ohhh Just ordinary now 哦 , 现在只剩平凡 Ohhh yeahhhh ohhh Ordinary ohhhh 哦 , 耶 , 哦 , 只剩平凡 , 哦 You were my Four Leaf Clover My pure white dove 你是我的四叶草 , 我的纯洁白鸽 You were my lightning strike & my knock on wood 你是我的闪电 , 你是我的幸运 My hope my faith My luck & love 我的希望 , 我的信仰 , 我幸运的爱 You were my shooting star That lit up the sky 你是我滑过长空的流星 Then you broke the mirror & made me cry 你却打破了伪装 , 使我哭泣 No hope no faith No luck no love 没有希望 , 没有信仰 , 没有幸运 , 没有爱 Just ordinary Oh oh oh 只剩平凡 , 哦 , 哦 , 哦 Your just ordinary now 你现在不过是个普通人 。