
1.“审计”用英文怎么说audit,其本身就是动词形式 。
1、作名词时: 【释义】:审计;稽核;(质量或标准的)审查,检查 【双语例句】: The application of new auditing standards addresses new requirements to audit, and challenges the auditing teaching. 新审计准则的实施对审计工作提出了新的要求,对高校审计教学也提出了新的挑战 。2、作动词时: 【释义】:审计;稽核;旁听(大学课程) 【双语例句】: The distribution is being audited for both financial management and to ensure money is reaching genuine tsunami victims. 当前,有关方面正在对资金分配进行审计,以加强财务管理并确保款项惠及真正的海啸灾民 。
扩展资料: audit的形容态:auditable 。【释义】:可审计性;可稽核的;可查证性 【双语例句】: 1、This makes it simple and auditable. 因此保证了简单和可被审查 。
2、You may need to set up auditable protocols that randomize, mask, or otherwise obscure your test data. 您可能需要设置可审计的协议,这些协议会随机化、屏蔽或模糊您的测试数据 。
2.会计与审计专业用英语怎么说会计审计人员及其他经济管理人员的在职学习用书 。
目录:推荐序前言 Part 1 Accounting Principle会计原理Chapter 1 Accountinon and Its Environment会计与环境 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 1.1 Nature and Content of Accounting 1.2 Objectives of Financial Reporting 1.3 Underlying Assumptions 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More KnowledgeChapter 2 Accounting Concepts and Principles会计概念与原理 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 2.1 Qualitative Characteristics of Useful Accounting Information 2.2 Elements of the Financial Statements 2.3 Recognition and Measurement Principles 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More KnowledgeChapter 3 Financial Statements财务报表 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 3.1 Balanee sheet 3.2 Income Statement and Statement ofChanges in Equity 3.3 Statement of Cash Flows 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More KnowledgeChapter 4 The Accounting Cycle会计循环 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 4.1 Accounting Equation and Double-Entry Bookkeeping 4.2 Accounting Cycle 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge Part 2 Financial Accounting财务会计Chapter 5 Current Assets流动资产 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 5.1 Cash and Current tieceivables 5.2 Inventory 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More KnowledgeChapter 6 Investments,Plant Assets and Intangibles投资、固定资产 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 6.1 Investments in Equity and Debt Securities 6.2 Plant Assets and Intangibles 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More KnowledgeChapter 7 Liabilities负债 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 7.1 Current Liabilities 7.2 Bonds Payable and Convertible Bonds 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More KnowledgeChapter 8 Owners'Equity所有者权益 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 8.1 Contributed Capital 8.2 Retained Earnings 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More KnowledgeChapter 9 Performance经营成果 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 9.1 Income 9.2 Expenses 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More KnowledgeChapter 10 Financial Statement Analysis财务报表分析 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 10.1 Framework for Financial Statement Analysis 10.2 Techniques of Analysis 10.3 Ratio Anabrsis 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge Part 3 Cost and Management Accounting成本与管理会计Chapter 11 Elements of Cost成本要素 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 11.1 Materials and Labor 11.2 Manufacturing Overheads 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More KnowledgeChapter 12 Costing Systems成本核算系统 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 12.1 Job Costing and Process Costing 12.2 Absorption and Marginal Costing 12.3 Activity Based Costing 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More KnowledgeChapter 13 Management Accounting管理会计 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 13.1 Standard Costing and Variance Analysis 13.2 Master Budgets 13.3 Performance Measurement 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge Part 4 International Accounting国际会计Chapter 14 International Accounting Harmonization国际会计协调 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 14.1 Advantages of International Accounting Harmonization 14.2 Applicability of International Standards 14.3 Major International Organizations Promoting Accounting Harmonization 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More KnowledgeChapter 15 I nternational Accounting Standards Board国际会计 准则理事会 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 15.1 Organization ofInternational Accounting Standards Board 15.2 Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements 15.3 Core Standards by International Accounting StaJldards Committee 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More KnowledgeChapter 16 Special Accounting Treatments in Multinational Corporations 跨国公司的特殊业务会计处理 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 16.1 Foreign Currency Transactions and Translations 16.2 Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge Part 5 Audit审计Chapter 17 Audit Framework审计框架 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 17.1 Agency and Nature of Audit 17.2 Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More KnowledgeChapter 18 Collecting Audit Evidence收集审计证据 小案例Mini Case 正文Text 18.1 Risk Assessment 18.2 Internal Control Systems 18.3 Tests of Controls 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩 。