
1.潮湿,站立,用英语怎么说【潮湿的用英语怎么写】东南亚和太平洋潮湿热带水文及水资源区域中心Regional Humid Tropics Hydrology and Water Resources Centre for South-East Asia and the Pacific; HTC Kuala Lumpur因潮湿而变软softened by moisture土壤潮湿有助于植物生长 。
The humidity of soil helps to grow.别呆在外面的潮湿空气中 。Don't stay outside in the damp.住在潮湿地区的人易患风湿病 。
Rheumatism affects people living in damp localities.气候潮湿damp climate阴暗潮湿的山洞a dark and damp cave这间屋子很潮湿 。This room is damp. 站立两厢stand on either side站立起跑standing start人们三五成群地站立着 。
People were standing about in small groups 。. 。

