
1.秘书的英文单词怎么说秘书的英文单词是:secretary 读音:英 ['sekr?tri] 美 ['sekr?teri] n. 部长;秘书;书记;大臣;写字台secretary于14世纪晚期进入英语 , 直接源自中世纪拉丁语的secretarius , 意为职员 , 书记;最初源自拉丁语的secretum , 意为一个秘密 。
例句:My secretary is an absolute gem.我的秘书真是个难能可贵的人 。词汇搭配:1、chief secretary 秘书长2、press secretary 新闻秘书3、Home secretary 内政大臣4、private secretary 私人秘书5、the secretary of State 国务大臣 , 国务卿扩展资料:近义词assistant 读音:英 [?'s?st?nt] 美 [?'s?st?nt] n. 助手 , 助理 , 助教;【化】(用于染色的)助剂adj. 副的;辅助的例句:The Prime Minister came to visit our country in the company of his assistant.首相在其助手陪同下访问我国 。
词汇搭配:1、teaching assistant 助教2、personal assistant 私人秘书3、maternity assistant 助产士 4、research assistant 研究助理5、assistant to the Manager 副经理 。
2.秘书的英文单词怎么秘书 1 。
名词 [指人] secretary 2 。名词 [指工作] secretarial work 例句:总经理在纸上草写了一行字 , 交给了秘书 。
The general manager scratched some words on the piece of paper, and handed it to his secretary 。总经理让秘书把电文念给他听 。
The general manager asked the secretary to read the telegraph for him 。这些摇笔杆的事情你可以让秘书做啊 。
You can have your secretary do this paper work 。总经理去国外开会了 , 现在公司上下的工作由秘书抓总儿 。
The general manager has gone abroad for a meeting 。Now the secretary assumes the overall responsibility of the company's business 。
经理的秘书 the manager's secretary 万一他不在 , 把信交给他的秘书 。If by any chance he isn't there, give the letter to his secretary 。
经理的秘书总是对我们指手画脚 , 因为她有恃无恐 。The manager's secretary is always bossing us around, secure in the knowledge that she has backing 。
老板指定王小姐当秘书 。The boss appointed Miss Wang as his secretary 。
这张唐代的书法作品可是我难得的秘藏 。This Tang Dynasty calligraphy work is a rare treasure in my collection 。
这本书介绍了许多晚清大内的秘闻 。The book reveals many secrets of the imperial Palace during The Qing Dynasties 。
☆予人玫瑰之手 经久犹有余香 如果对你有帮助 请点击好评 ☆ 。

