
1.用英语写种植种子日记(翻译中文意思)March 12th,Friday Fine Today is Tree Planting Day and it is a fine day.I went to plant trees on the hill with my classmates.We got to the hill at 9:00 in the morning.We began to work as soon as we got there.We dug holes first,then put the young trees in the holes and put the earth in the holes to cover the roots of the trees.After that we watered them.Before long we planted many trees.We were all very tired,but we felt very happy. 翻译: 3月12日,星期五 晴 今天是植树节,是晴天 。
我和同学们去山上种树 。我们早上9:00达到山上 。
我们一到那里,就开始工作 。我们先挖坑,然后把树苗放进坑里,再埋上泥土 。
然后再浇水 。不久,我们就种了很多树,我们很累但很开心 。

