
1.辅音字母的音标怎么写元音和辅音 英语中音素分为元音音素和辅音音素两大类 。
其中元音音素20个 , 辅音音素24个 。元音:发音时声带振动 , 呼出的气流通过口腔时不受阻碍 , 这样形成的语音称作元音 。
元音发音响亮 , 口腔中气流不受阻碍 , 是构成音节的主要音 。英语中有20个元音 。
辅音:不论声带振动与否 , 发声时呼出的气流通过口腔或鼻腔时受到一定阻碍 , 这样的语音称为辅音 。辅音发音不响亮 , 口腔中气流受到阻碍 , 不是构成音节的主要音 。
英语中有24个辅音 。(有的书将[ts]、[dz]、[tr]、[dr] 也归为辅音 , 即有28个辅音 , 共48个音素 。)
1. 元音: 1) [I:] sea, he, see, piece, ceiling 2) [I] sit, build, miss, myth 3) [e] bed, desk, head, 4) [A] bad, land, bank, stamp 5) [B:] car, fast, class, plant, calm, aunt 6) [C] hot, want 7) [C:] door, more, sport, ball, warm, author, court, bought, caught 8) [U:] good, who, blue, soup, 9) [U] look, put, women, could 10) [Q] cup, come, blood, rough 11) [[:] girl, work, serve, nurse 12) [[] cadre, ago, forget, polite, dollar, doctor, famous, Saturday 13) [ei] cake, they, play, eight, great, 14) [ai] bike, die, neither, light, try, find, height, eye 15) [Ci] boy, oil 16) [[U] phone, cold, boat, soul, grow 17) [aU] house, town 18) [i[] dear, idea, deer, here, fierce, 19) [Z[] pear, care, there, fair 20) [u[] tour, poor 2. 辅音 1) [p] pen, 2) [b] bed, comb 3) [t] tell, 4) [d ] day, played, wanted 5) [k] cold, sky, quick, school, back, accept, box 6) [g] big, go, guess, language 7) [m] man 8) [n] nine, knife, autumn 9) [N] bank, uncle, English, sing, 10) [ l ] land, world 11) [r] read, write, 12) [f] five, cough, laugh 13) [v] voice, of 14) [W] think, 15) [T] this, bathe 16) [s] sit, miss, science, case, scarf 17) [z] zoo, close 18) [F] sure, she, social, nation 19) [V] pleasure 20) [h] hot, who, hour 21) [w] wall, what, answer 22) [j] yes 23) [tF] child, teach, catch 24) [dV] joke, bridge 25) [ts] boats 26) [dz] goods 27) [tr] tree 28) [dr] dream 。
2.pencil box怎么读读音: [?pensl] [b?ks]
英 [?pensl] 美 [?p?ns?l]
n.铅笔 , 彩色铅笔;笔状物;画风 , 画法;[物]光线锥
He had written her a note in pencil.
他用铅笔给她写了个便条 。
英 [b?ks] 美 [bɑ:ks]
vt.把…装入盒[箱 , 匣]中
vt.& vi.拳击
Do you watch it live at all or do you watch it on the box?
pencil case
英 [?pens?l keis] 美 [?p?ns?l kes]
This is a pencil case.
这是个铅笔盒 。
The pencil case contains pencils, a pencil sharpener and an eraser.
铅笔盒里有铅笔、一个削铅笔刀和一块橡皮 。
1、six pencil-box 铅笔盒
2、a pencil-box 一只文具盒 ; 铅笔盒
3、This pencil-box 这只文具盒
4、pencil l box 铅笔盒
5、My Pencil-box 我的铅笔盒 ; 四年级英语作文我的铅笔盒 ; 我的
6、The pencil-box 那个铅笔盒 ; 铅笔箱 ; 铅笔框 ; 文具盒
3.48个音标咋写26个字母发音规律 a /ei/ name cake table /?/ apple cat map am /α: / want dance /o/ what watch b /b/ book big bag box c /k/ cat cake cup clock car /s/ face nice pencil books d /d/ desk doll dog dad e /i:/ he she meet me /e/ elephant egg bed pen f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan g /ɡ/ gun glass glad glove /dз / age orange h /h/ hat he house hand i /ai / fine bike five ice /i/ is sit miss pig picture j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar k /k/ kite cake black thank l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp /l/ apple bowl tell old m/m/ am map my mouth milk n /n/ no know new hand o /?u / old home nose coke /o/ dog not clock box /∧ / son month mother love p /p/ map jeep pig pen apple q /kw / quite quilt quick r /r/ red radio brother racket s /s/ sit miss this smile books /z/ nose those rose rulers t /t/ it sit not that table little u /ju: / use usually excuse /∧ / bus us sun duck / u / put pull push v /v / five vase very seven w /w/ we window watch want x /ks / box six fox y /ai / my fly why bye / j / yes yellow / i / happy baby very z / z / zoo zero 元音组合 ai /ei/ wait paint ay /ei/ may play day say air /ε? / air hair chair al / / tall small ball ar /α: / farther farm car arm ea /i:/ meat please tea read /e/ head bread ready / i? / theater ear / i? / ear hear near / ε? / bear / ?: / earth ee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep eir / ε? / their er / ? / worker teacher / ?: / her ere /i ? / here /ε? / where there ew /ju: / new few /u: / flew grew ight /ai / right high bright ir /?: / bird girl shirt thirty oa /?u / boat coat ong /o? / long song oo /u/ book foot good /u:/ moon balloon or / : / short fork port /?: / word world work oor / / door floor ore // more store sore ou / au / out house mouth our / / four your /au? / our ow/ ?u / bowl window /au / now cow flower oy /oi/ boy toy ur / ?: / turn 辅音组合 th /θ/ thank mouth / δ/ this that with tr /tr/ tree train truck dr /dr/ dress driver sh /∫/ shirt wash short ch /t∫/ child chair catch / k / school Christmas / dз/ sandwich tw /tw/ two twin twenty wh /w/ white wheel what /h/ who whose whom ts /ts/ jackets kites ds /dz/ birds friends 。