
1.本人急需关于玻璃纤维的英文翻译一份,那位能帮忙◆Fiberglass industry products: 1.1.Fiberglass yarn: non-alkali, mid-alkali, alkali –proof fiberglass yarn, electronic yarn, roving, reinforced fiberglass, roving, fiberglass bulked yarn and twining yarn and so on 1.2.Fiberglass cloth: roving cloth, electronic fiberglass cloth, the base cloth of mica, wall meshes, roving cloth, pipeline binding cloth, the base cloth of asphalt, latex cloth, composite plastics cloth, reinforced rubber cloth, fish pole cloth, fiberglass wall-decoration cloth, composite plastics window screening, geotextile, aluminum foil fiberglass cloth 1.3.Fiberglass felt: short felt, shortcut silk felt, dried felt, high-silicon oxygen, wetted thin felt, sewing and editing felt, knitting felt, Composite felt 1.4.Fiberglass Pipe: fiberglass insulating lining, PVC electrical insulating lining, fiberglass painting pipe 1.5.Fiberglass tape: non-alkali fiberglass tape, fiberglass adhibit tapes, fiberglass non-weft binding tape, fiberglass non-weft adhibit tapes 1.6.Other fiberglass products: fiberglass rope, belt, cotton, accumulator clapboard, cover copperplate, pull and crush molding section 2.Fiberglass raw material: alkali-free, mid-alkali, high-alkali crystal ball, agalmatolite, szaibelyite, pure alkali 3.fiberglass industrial chemicals: soaking agent, location cement, airproof cement, paraffin, Levelling agent, color-retaining agent, Vaseline, Coupling agent, plaster, organic silicon, epoxy resin 4.fiberglass machine: drawbench, weaving machine、twisting-threat machine、roving machine ,bulked yarn machine, loom, warping machine, Winding machines for tubular cops, hemming-stitch machine, boil out oven, fiberglass processor unit 5.fiberglass equipment for special use: leaking board, tension meter, transformer liquid level controller, furnace material, yarn pipe, Twist tester 6.Fiberglass reinforced concrete plaster products: concave board, pantile, plasterboard plaster wire, plaster relief. 7. Fiberglass scientific research institute, engineering investment project, website, periodicals and magazines and so on ◆Composite material industry products 1. Raw material and facility of Composite material: resin, Gel coat, char fiber, fiber silk, roving, fabrics, felt patch, various fiber soaking agent, various additive such as surface processing agent, crosslinker, demoulding agent and so on, fillings and various color material, pre-mixture feed, pre-coated feed and the production technology and facility of the above-mentioned raw material. 2. Composite material production technology and facility: molding technology and facility, including hand-pasting, spray, wrap, moulding press, inject, pull and crush and so on. honeycombing, frothing ,interlining technology and craftwork equipment. Various new craftwork, new technology, new facility, glassed steel mechanical processing equipment, molding mould designing and processing technology and so on. 3.Products and application example: glassed steel/Composite material is applied to the new products, new design and application in the fields of antisepsis project, construction project, automobile and other vehicle, boat, space flight, aviation, national defense, mechanism, electronics, farming and forest, fishery, sport equipment, daily life and so on. 。
玻璃纤维是一种性能优异的无机非金属材料 。英文原名为:glass fiber。它是以玻璃球或废旧玻璃为原料经高温熔制、拉丝、络纱、织布等工艺 。最后形成各类产品,玻璃纤维单丝的直径从 几 个微米到二十几米个微米,相当于一根头发丝的 1/20-1/5,每束纤维原丝都有数百根甚至上千根单丝组成,通常作为复材料中的增强材料,电绝缘材料和绝热保温材料,电路基板等,广泛应用于国民经济各个领域 。
玻璃一般人之观念为质硬易碎物体,并不适于作为结构用材但如其抽成丝后,则其强度大为增加且具有柔软性,故配合树脂赋予形状以后终于可以成为优良之结构用材 。玻璃纤维随其直径变小其强度增高 。作为补强材玻璃纤维具有以下之特点,这些特点使玻璃纤维之使用远较其他种类纤维来得广泛,发展速度亦遥遥领先其特性列举如下: