
1.有没有英文现金支票的的样本如果可以的话在附带一张翻译为中文的样英国支票正确写法2010-06-10 23:22:48| 分类:百科全书阅读343评论0 字号:大中小 订阅1.支票正确写法:Step 1Write the name of the person who you are paying on this line.Sometimes a business will say 'Make your cheque payable to。
' You would write the business name here.For example 'Jo Smiths Care Agency'.Step 2Write the amount in words on this line e.g.'One Hundred and Three Pounds 56p'You can write the pence in numbers like this example.And use '----' line through space.Step 3Write the amount in numbers in this box e.g.'£103.56' And use '----' line through space.Step 4Write the date on this line.Step 5Sign the cheque here with your name.If you can not write your signature,you can use a signature stamp.Step 6This part is called the cheque book stub.Here you write the date,how much the cheque was for and who you paid.You can write the pence in numbers like this example.Cheque NumberEach cheque has its own number.The number of the cheque in the picture is 100026.When the cheque is paid and the money leaves your bank account,this number will be shown on your bank statement.If you looked at your bank statement and saw 'Cheque number 10026' you could look at your cheque book and see who you paid.The cheque number is written on the cheque and on your cheque book stub.Other details on a cheque are the number of your bank account and the address of your bank.Your name will be on each cheque.Can you find the name 'William' on the cheque in his cheque book in the picture?第一行:在"PAY"的后面写上收支票人的名字,最好也写上TITLE,比如MR TONY BLAIR第二排开始写要付的金额,最多可以写2排.第二排的开头和第三排的开头不要留很大的空隙,最好都用大写.比如100磅ONE HUNDRED POUNDS ONLY-------------------------一定要写ONLY,而且后面用横线把空白的部分划掉右上角:data写上当时填支票的日期.英国的支票如果不兑现,6个月之后失效.支票右边英镑符号 后填写支付金额,要注意的是千万不能留很大的空隙,否则金额可能被改.如果100磅可以写成 100.00 .或者100-(后面加横线,不用太长,如果付的金额是整数的话).要注意的是:不要把支票担保卡和支票一起放,被盗用非常容易.签名部分签上你在英国开户时用的签名,注意不要把支票先签名了,一旦丢失非常麻烦.还有英国的支票写错了,撕了扔了就可以了,重新写一张. 。
2.现金支票怎么填出票日期:要填大写,0-10大写为:零、壹、贰、叁、肆、伍、陆、柒、捌、玖、拾 。
为防篡改,壹月贰月前要加零,壹日至玖日前要加零 。
如:2014年1月12日 要写为:贰零壹肆年零壹月壹拾贰日 。
金额:小写数字前一位加人民币符号,比如:¥2000 。
人民币大写:元、角位后没有分的后面加上“正”或“整”,分位有数的直接写分,不用加“正”或“整” 。
如: 206.90 则写成:贰佰零陆元玖角整 。
206.92 写成:贰佰零陆元玖角贰分 。
现金支票的收款人:填写本单位名称 。
用途:填备用金等 。
密码:在银行给的密码器中输入支票号、金额会生成密码 。
出票人签章:盖财务印鉴(财务章、法人章) 。
付款行名称 和出票人账号:一般在银行领用支票时已经打印在票面上了,不用写 。
这样,正面就填好了 。
收款人签章:仍然盖单位财务印鉴 。填写经办人姓名 。
号码:经办人身份证号 。
这样,背面也填好了,可以去银行提现了 。