偏见英语怎么写( 二 )

5.求一篇关于偏见的英语作文 200字左右~~~ 题目就是on prejudice 高手赏分啊可以高一点啊,我打的可怜4了,我只是高中生,大学生的英语作为是不是还要档次高一点啊???能力有限On prejudice Different generations have lots of prejudices,leading to quite much obstacles in our daily life.For instance,chances are that parents,to some degree, can't understand our fashion views. Some even believe that pop music is noise. That's what is so-called prejudice concerning music.Also,there are some other prejudices.In a big family,especially when your parents have more than 2 children,there is no denying that mother or father may have some prejudice against a certain child. But prejudice is what sets us moving towards failures.If we have prejudic and never face up to them, we may go to some extreme in some aspects,not making us consider things thoroughly,which is the big barrier to success. It's high time that we students took it seriously.For one thing,people should treat others eqully.Besides,we had better broaden our horizons to remove some small prejudices.For anthor,a good and healthy attitude is undoutedly essential.打的我累4了 。
6.英语如何写《傲慢与偏见》的摘要有点长 。
你可以缩短一点 但我觉得写的还不错 Elizabeth Bennet is the protagonist, a witty and outspoken woman, the second of five daughters of Mr. & Mrs. Bennet. Mr. Charles Bingley leases a home, Netherfield Park, nearby. Mrs. Bennet busies herself to get introductions for her daughters. Elizabeth's oldest sister Jane, kind and trusting to a fault, falls in love with Bingley at the public ball. His even wealthier friend, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, snubs Elizabeth and the other local women at the ball, repelling them by his rudeness, superciliousness, and haughtiness, and this becomes the subject of considerable discussion and contempt. He starts to take an interest in Elizabeth, but she refuses to dance with him.Jane visits the Bingley's, walking in the rain, and catches a cold. Elizabeth walks over to nurse her, impressing Darcy with her caring nature and intelligence. There is discussion about what it means for a woman to be educated, i.e., accomplished. Elizabeth is viewed disparagingly by Bingley's sisters Mrs. Louisa Bingley Hurst and Miss Caroline Bingley, the latter hoping to fix Bingley up instead with Darcy's sister Georgiana and to pair herself up with Darcy. Elizabeth spars verbally with the Bingleys and Darcy about country people, poetry, friendship, reading, pride, etc. Mr. William Collins, Mr. Bennet's absurdly self-important cousin, newly-ordained parish rector, and future heir to the Bennet's home through male entailment, pays a visit to find a wife. He brags of his wealthy patron Lady Catherine de Bourgh, who proves to be Darcy's aunt. In town, they meet Mr. George Wickham, the son of Darcy's father's steward. He impresses Elizabeth and tells a tale of being deprived of a living by Darcy against Darcy's father's intentions [subsequently found to be a misrepresentation]. Darcy is pained to see Wickham.At the ball at Netherfield, Collins appears to be courting Elizabeth. Collins dances badly, then has the audacity to introduce himself to Darcy, despite Elizabeth's warning as to such impropriety. Eliz. and Darcy are cool to each other.Collins proposes to marry Elizabeth, but she refuses-- he cannot believe her no really means no, thinking this is the "usual practice of elegant females". Her mother is upset but her father is relieved that E. has declined. Bingley and his entourage suddenly move to London without a word to Jane. Mr. Collins shortly proposes marriage to Elizabeth's friend and neighbor Charlotte Lucas, who accepts-- the marriage takes place soon thereafter.Jane is invited to visit Mrs. Bennet's brother, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gardiner, in London. There she is seemingly neglected by Bingley [who is kept unaware of her presence by Caroline and Darcy]. Eliz. travels with the Lucases (Sir William and Lady) and their second daughter Maria to visit first Eliz's sister in London and then on to the Collins at Hunsford. They dine with Lady Catherine at her estate Rosings along with her sickly daughter Miss [Anne?] de Bourgh [who is planned for Darcy by her mother]. Eliz. balks at the intrusive questioning by the assertive and self-important Lady Catherine. Darcy & his cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam arrive for a visit at Rosings. Eliz. continues to spar with Darcy and discusses her negative thoughts about him with Fitzwilliam. Darcy visits frequently at the parsonage and Charlotte wonders if he has fallen in love with Elizabeth, but they still are cool to each other. Eliz. learns from Fitzwilliam that Darcy caused Bingley to stop pursuing Jane. Darcy appears and declares his love for Eizabeth, having struggled futilely against his feelings of her inferiority & revulsion at her mother, sisters, and general lack of superior connections. Eliz. spurns him, prejudiced against him for blaming him for the breaking up Jane's relationship with Bingley, and condemning his pride and haughtiness as well as his apparent injustice to Wichkam. Later, Darcy sends Eliz. a letter explaining that he thought Jane was indifferent to Bingley and explains that Wickham has been deceptive in his claims, citing his attempt to elope with Darcy's 15 y/o sister for her money, his life of dissipation and idleness, and his turning down a living within the church, leading to a final monetary settlement with Darcy etc. Eliz. feels humiliated and understands much better. Soon, they all depart Hunsford.Mary is the somber and moralistic 3rd Bennet dtr. Eliz.'s fourth sister Kitty (Catherine) and youngest sister Lydia are enamored with the militia quartered nearby. The militia moves to Brighton and Lydia, though only 15, arranges to travel with Colonel Forster and his wife Harriet, to be near the militia, despite Elizabeth's unsuccessful effort to。