
1.偏见的英语作文怎么写On prejudiceDifferent generations have lots of prejudices,leading to quite much obstacles in our daily life.For instance,chances are that parents,to some degree, can't understand our fashion views. Some even believe that pop music is noise. That's what is so-called prejudice concerning music.Also,there are some other prejudices.In a big family,especially when your parents have more than 2 children,there is no denying that mother or father may have some prejudice against a certain child.But prejudice is what sets us moving towards failures.If we have prejudic and never face up to them, we may go to some extreme in some aspects,not making us consider things thoroughly,which is the big barrier to success.It's high time that we students took it seriously.For one thing,people should treat others eqully.Besides,we had better broaden our horizons to remove some small prejudices.For anthor,a good and healthy attitude is undoutedly essential 。
2.偏见的英文翻译1、prejudice 读音:英 ['pred?ud?s] 美 ['pred?ud?s] n. 偏见;伤害 vt. 伤害;使。
存偏见;使偏袒 She has a prejudice against modern music. 她对现代音乐怀有偏见 。2、jaundice 读音:英 ['d???nd?s] 美 ['d???nd?s] n. 黄疸;偏见 v. 使患黄疸病;使怀偏见 I looked into the problem without jaundice of any kind. 我研讨这一问题,不怀任何偏见 。
3、preconception 读音:英 [?pri?k?n'sep?n] 美 [?pri?k?n'sep?n] n. 预想;先入之见;偏见 They try to avoid preconception. 他们努力去地去避免偏见 。4、bias 读音:英 ['ba??s] 美 ['ba??s] n. 偏见;偏爱;斜纹 vt. 使偏心 Histories are often warped by bias. 历史常为偏见所曲解 。
5、warp 读音:英 [w??p] 美 [w??rp] vt. 使翘起;弄歪;歪曲 vi. 变歪;扭曲 n. 弯曲;歪曲;乖僻;经纱;绞船索 Bitterness gave his outlook a peculiar warp. 怨恨使他的观点带有一种古怪的偏见 。
3.关于偏见的英语话题作文On prejudice Different generations have lots of prejudices,leading to quite much obstacles in our daily life.For instance,chances are that parents,to some degree, can't understand our fashion views. Some even believe that pop music is noise. That's what is so-called prejudice concerning music.Also,there are some other prejudices.In a big family,especially when your parents have more than 2 children,there is no denying that mother or father may have some prejudice against a certain child. But prejudice is what sets us moving towards failures.If we have prejudic and never face up to them, we may go to some extreme in some aspects,not making us consider things thoroughly,which is the big barrier to success. It's high time that we students took it seriously.For one thing,people should treat others eqully.Besides,we had better broaden our horizons to remove some small prejudices.For anthor,a good and healthy attitude is undoutedly essential 。
4.求一篇关于偏见的英语作文200字左右~题目就是onprejudice赏分啊可以高一点啊,我打的可怜4了,我只是高中生,大学生的英语作为是不是还要档次高一点啊?能力有限On prejudiceDifferent generations have lots of prejudices,leading to quite much obstacles in our daily life.For instance,chances are that parents,to some degree,can't understand our fashion views.Some even believe that pop music is noise.That's what is so-called prejudice concerning music.Also,there are some other prejudices.In a big family,especially when your parents have more than 2 children,there is no denying that mother or father may have some prejudice against a certain child.But prejudice is what sets us moving towards failures.If we have prejudic and never face up to them,we may go to some extreme in some aspects,not making us consider things thoroughly,which is the big barrier to success.It's high time that we students took it seriously.For one thing,people should treat others eqully.Besides,we had better broaden our horizons to remove some small prejudices.For anthor,a good and healthy attitude is undoutedly essential.打的我累4了 。