
1.英语gap year什么意思gap year 英[ɡ?p j?:] 美[ɡ?p j?r]
n. 空档年,间隔年(指中学毕业生在上大学前去旅游,做义工或者做临时工的一段时间);
[例句]I went around the world in my gap year.
我在上大学前空闲的一年里周游了世界 。
1. 做义工(志愿者)
前往发展中国家,如印度,中国,尼泊尔等地进行关于教育,医疗,环保等方面的志愿工作 。
2. 打工赚钱或旅行
如去国外进行working holiday,wwoof,青年旅舍义工等。有些学生把时间用在旅行上,有些则用在工作上 。而更多的则把两者结合到了国外工作假期当中 。间隔年当中的学生(也称间隔年旅行者)有一个普遍的选择,那就是参加国际志愿服务 。例如受2004年印度洋海啸的影响,大量的志愿者就以帮助南亚人民的方式走上了他们的间隔年之路 。
3. 投身于全球教育
另一个正在兴起的趋势是投身于全球教育,包括语言教学,居住在当地人家,文化传播,社区服务和独立学习 。这些实践存在于像印度、中国、摩洛哥、巴西丶印度这样的国家 。
2.gapyear什么意思gap year[英][ɡ?p j?:][美][ɡ?p j?r]n.空档年,间隔年(指中学毕业生在上大学前去旅游,做义工或者做临时工的一段时间)双语例句1.I'm planning to take a gap year and go backpacking in India.我准备休假一年去印度背包旅行.2.Prince William was working hard during his gap year.威廉王子在他的学业间断年期间努力工作.3.Her company specializes in helping students plan their gap year.她的公司特别专注于帮助学生计划他们的调整期.4.Not surprisingly,opinions vary on the value of taking a gap year.高中毕业后是否要休学一段时期,不同的人有不同的观点.5.A well-structured gap year is a guarantee of university success.一个精心安排的学业间断年是大学成功的保证. 。
3.申请国外研究生怎么解释自己的gap year是因为考研并且失败了【怎么写gapyear解释】Gap year的解释,可以有很多种情况 。
本科毕业后的这一年,可以对自己感兴趣的领域做研究,也可以到社会上工作实习累计经验,但最好这些理由都能够有证据来证明,或者第三方来证实,否则凭空说,逻辑性和可信度都会有所下降 。另外一种是准备考研的过程中,你自己发现了国外的课程内容对你的未来发展更加实用或者有帮助 。
所以放弃国内的考试,而转申国外项目 。只要你自己的解释是能够自圆其说,又有理有据,逻辑上讲的通,基本上gap year的理由对方都会接纳的 。
研究型硕士需要自己的研究方向计划,也最好表明这一年中你在专业领域的发展和钻研 。
4.Recently, I am reading a best seller named Gap Year, a Girl on the Road. The writer shares us a lot of unbelievable experiences in her “gap” which is so fantastic that I am certainly touched by it. The touch from it let me start thinking about my own gap year. I really long to visit Africa. Mysterious and attractive, the land is characterized by contradictory temperament: she has suffered large amounts of pain but is still full of primitive strength and haunting simplicity. I hope I can get the true meaning of my life there, ignoring my negligible pain and stepping out of negative emotions. As Kahlil Gibran, a famous poet, said, “We already walked too far, down to we had forgotten why embarked.” So why not just make a small pause in your life before you decide your next destination? Life is short, so I prefer spending time finding what I like to wasting time doing things I don't enjoy. 范例2: When I saw "Gap Year" at first sight, I wondered what the "Gap Year" is. After reading today&0#39;s topic, I know what it is, and I never have a "Gap Year" until now. It is so funny that you have a year to enjoy yourself. But why only a year? The importance of "Gap Year", I think, doesn&0#39;t lie in its form, but in its real meaning that to do what you want to do to enjoy your life no matter where and when you are. So I can do the "Gap Year" things at any time only if I want during my all life. I always say to myself if you want to do it, just go to do it, because you only have one life to spend on. 。