
1.谁是你班的模范学生英语作文i want to be a model student. what shall i do?
i should be polite. i should study hard. i should capful and helpful. i should walk in the corridors. i should throw rubbish in the bin. i should be quiet in the library.piK
i shouldn't walk and run on the grass. i shouldn't throw rubbish on the floor. i shouldn't run in the corridors. i shouldn't fight. i shouldn't be noisy in the library.piK
how about you?
2.如何做一个优秀的中学生的英语作文How to be a good student
Time flies, time flies like a shuttle. We follow the sun went into the school gate, and start a new journey. Behind us is the expectations of parents and teachers, we should be more efforts to study, to keep one's head above water, do not live up to the expectations of our parents and teachers, if you want to be a excellent student, so, I think everyone initiative:
【模范学生英语怎么写】First of all, we should do to conform to the school rules, the code of students, middle school students etiquette all leavened dough. Be a good student, should be well-behaved, the reasonable use of learning methods, reasonable work and rest time; in the life also needs to pay attention to personal hygiene and health, for myself and for people to create a good learning environment.
In peacetime to communicate with others, we should be polite words and deeds, do civilized middle-school student; in ordinary language, should pay attention to courtesy, pay attention to the occasion, friendly, must speak putonghua. Without permission, not into another room, cannot use others' articles, don't look at others letters and diaries. Don't interrupt others, don't interrupt others study and rest. The class stood up, to pay tribute to the teachers, class is over, please the teacher to go ahead of the rest. See a teacher or elder to salute to say hello, answer the teachers question needs to stand up, to the teacher comments, attitude to be honest。。
时光飞逝,日月如梭 。我们踏着温暖的阳光走进校门,又开始了新的旅程 。我们身后是家长和老师的期望,我们应该更加的去努力学习、去发奋图强,不辜负家长和老师对我们的期望,若想做一名优秀的中学生,那么,我就想大家倡议:
首先,我们要做到遵守校规,中学生守则、中学生礼仪等各个发面 。做一名优秀的中学生,应该是品行端正,运用合理的学习方法,制定合理的作息时间;在生活方面也要注意个人的卫生与集体卫生,为自己也为大家创造一个良好的学习环境 。
在平时和别人交流中,我们大家应当讲礼貌,做言行文明的中学生;在平时的说话中,要注意礼貌用语,注意场合,态度友善,要讲普通话 。未经允许不能进入他人房间,不能动用他人物品、不看他人信件和日记 。不随意打断别人说话,不打扰他人的学习和休息 。上、下课时起立要向老师致敬,下课时,请老师先行 。见到老师或长辈要行礼问好,回答师长问话要起立,给老师提意见时,态度要诚恳……
3.请你以模范学生为主题,写不少于50个英语单词的小作文和谐校园 你我携手
和谐发展的人像一颗种子,只有在和谐的校园里才能孕育出来 。那么,如何建设和谐的校园呢?如果把和谐的校园比作一棵参天大树,那么我认为,优美和谐的环境就是这棵大树的根本,良好的校园人际关系就是它的枝叶,而丰富的校园文化,就是它的精髓所在,灵魂所在 。
优美的校园环境是和谐的根本 。首先,校园的自然环境应是和谐优美的 。如果孩子跨进校园所看到的一切,所接触的一切,处处是俯拾不完的美丽,身心自会有言说不尽的愉悦,思想也会无止境地翱翔 。唐人有诗云:“山光悦鸟性,潭影空人心 。”回首我国古代书院大多依山傍水,就是为了“借山光以悦人性,假湖水以静心情” 。在绿草如茵、鸟语花香、亭榭交错、山水相映的校园环境里,学生会潜移默化地受到美的熏陶,放飞美的心灵 。我们附中校园虽然不大,但各种花草树木构成了一道独特的校园风景线 。教室窗外令人沉醉的绿意,不仅能给人以美的陶冶,也能给人以智慧的启迪,以及由此感受到的无穷的希望和力量 。