
Hi Kelvin,
Glad to hear that you're on the market for flashlight and other promotional items.
This is C from *** Ltd in China. We specialized in flashlights and premiums for 10 years, with the customers of Coca-Cola, Craft, Pepsi, etc., and hope to find a way to cooperate with you!
Please find the pictures with models and different packaging in attachment. An American guy purchased this model in BIG quantity last year. I would like to try now, if it's suitable for Europe.
FREE SAMPLES can be sent on request. Call me, let's talk more!
Thanks and best regards,
2.怎么写好一封开发信开发信不难写,只要说清楚你卖的是啥,你工厂/公司名称地址联系方式就可以了 。
当然,加上几句诸如“可以常年供应”,“物美价廉” 也没什么不好 。根据经验,如果强调一下你是中国的工厂/公司,效果会不错 。
中国货品种多、档次全、价格低,老外都挺喜欢 。怎样写开发信? 最简单的开发信: We are AOT Co 。
【第一封开发信怎么写】 ,Ltd in China 。We supply apple with good quality and low price 。
Please contact us to know details 。(翻译:我们是中国的AOT公司,我们卖苹果,质量不错还很便宜 。
请联系我们以了解详情 。) (联系方式) Contact: Mr 。
Octopus Tel: 86- 21-88888888 Fax: 86-021-66666666 E-mail: [email protected] 。com 如果你不喜欢用“特便宜”这个词,觉得跌份儿,就改用文雅些的“竞争性价格competitive price”,都是一个意思 。
不过根据经验,还是用“low price”比较吸引人,不过也不要因此就豁出去用“low low price”,老外会挺反感的 。如果你英文还不错,那么就加多些内容,自己掂量着办 。
如果英文不好又想多加些内容,可以在网上找一些现成的例句 。是不是开发信越长越详细就越好呢? 不是 。
咱写开发信的目的是什么?不是参加作文比赛,而是引老外“上钩”的 。写得太详细一目了然,客户一懒也就不理睬了 。
最好是有实有虚,引起客户兴趣,让他联系你来了解详情,他一回复你,你就获得了他的电子邮件等联系方式,这就是宝贵的客户资料 。就算一次生意做不成,资料在手保持联系,将来说不准就有戏 。
3.翻译一封开发信,地道点最好啊My Dear,
Hello! I am your skin XX. Because you spend long hours sitting in front of the computer every day and lead a very irregular lifestyle, I start to notice my immunity is weakening. I feel like turning from a young beauty to a very old person. So I urge you to take me to a salon to have facial treatment and massage. But considering the high price of a salon facial, I find an alternative solution. XX company has recently introduced a range of beauty equipment, such as XX, XX, XX, which are said to be very effective against skin problems, and be able to rejuvenate skin.
There are many products being promoted, with discount up to 90%. You only have to push the reply button, and the price will pop out.
No more hesitation. Pamper your skin with a revitalizing bath now! Look forward to your reply
Best Regards
4.求法语专家翻译一封开发信Cher Monsieur XX distingué,
C'est XX de la Société XX du Nouveau Matériau. J'ai vu sur le site web Alibaba à la fin du mois de juillet que votre société voudrait acheter une plaque composite de polyuréthane utilisée dans l'entrep?t frigorifique. Je vous avais envoyé par mél des informations sur nos produits, mais je n'ai pas encore re?u des réponses de votre part. Je ne sais pas si votre entreprise a déjà déterminé les fournisseurs de ce produit.