7级 Barbie 芭比 , 玲珑可爱的娃娃之名 7级 Moon 月 , 月亮公主 , 宁静的银…… 9级 Snowy “雪”+y , 比白雪公主Snowhite更可爱! 8级 Christal 水晶 , 晶晶亮亮 , 不好吗? 9级 Bubles 泡泡 , 可爱的名字 , 享受风中的飘浮 。7级 Colorfully 多彩的 , 就像彩虹与极光 , 绚烂 。
6级 Purplegrape 紫葡萄 , 幽静典雅配晶亮洁净 , 好名字呀 。
2.谁有《AMAZING GRACE(天赐恩宠)》的中文和英文歌词啊,翻译也amazing grace
歌手:charlotte church 专辑:prelude: the best o
charlotte church - amazing grace
amazing grace, how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me.
【恩宠的英文怎么写】i once was lost but now i'm found,
was blind but now i see.
t'was grace that taught my heart to fear
and grace my fear relieved
how precious did that grace appear,
the hour i first believed.
through many dangers, toils and snares
we have already come
t'was grace that brought us safe thus far
and grace will lead us home.
when we've been there ten thousand years
bright shining as the sun;
we've no less days to sing god's praise
than when we first begun.
3.漂亮的英文名怎么写pretty 六月二日蓝繁缕Scarlet Pimpernel 漂亮Pretty 六月叁日法国玫瑰French Rose 能言善道 koudai.360.cn beautiful 9 Your jacket is very非常 beautiful漂亮. A Where B No C Thank you. 10 Which is zhaobo.cnpkm.com presentability。
present 目前的现在的出席的在场的赠送呈现提出提交礼物礼品赠品; presentday dictionary.sina.com.tw prettiness prettiness 漂亮 pretty much the same thing 差不多 pretty penny 大数目之金钱 .cn 。
4.薛润辰的英文名,怎么写,读法您好 , 中文名翻译成英文时 , 读法只要与中文一样即可 。
Xue, Runchen (英文书写中 , 姓氏如果在前会以逗号做区别)
Runchen Xue
Ruarc (润阿克)
而发音上与中文发音一样即可 , 因为外国人对於拼音的读法与我们有些出入所以有些人发音会稍微不太一样或甚至念不准确 , 但这不影响您自我介绍 。您不需要去迎合他们的发音来介绍自己的名字 。
5.谁有《AMAZINGGRACE(天赐恩宠)》的中文和英文歌词啊,翻译也amazing grace 歌手:charlotte church 专辑:prelude: the best o charlotte church - amazing grace amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. i once was lost but now i'm found, was blind but now i see. t'was grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fear relieved how precious did that grace appear, the hour i first believed. through many dangers, toils and snares we have already come t'was grace that brought us safe thus far and grace will lead us home. when we've been there ten thousand years bright shining as the sun; we've no less days to sing god's praise than when we first begun. 答案补充 奇异恩典何等甘甜 我罪已得赦免 前我失散今被寻回 瞎眼今得看见 如此恩典使我敬畏 使我心得安慰 初信之时即蒙恩会 真是何等宝贵 当我感到痛苦悲伤时 你却不走留在我的身边 当我正要掉进深渊 你却把我救出 你带我给新的生命 无论如何只要我肯相信 奇迹一定会在我的眼前出现 。
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