
1.《疯狂的英语》作文怎么写reading makes me crazy!
i'm a bookworm.of the i love reading so much that i read for several hours everyday.among so many books ,i like essays and novels best.because i can learn a lot of good words and sentences that can make me write better.what's more,the plots and the figures attact me a lot.reading benifits me a lot,open my mind and makes me smarter.reading books in the library is a nice choice for books there are free and people can choose whatever books they like,so i go to the library often.
2.疯狂的英文怎么写疯狂[fēng kuáng]
insane; frenzied; unbridled; flightiness; folie
(发疯) insane
(猖狂) frenzied; unbridled:
frenzied clamouring;
unbridled plunder
1、我是说,你真是太疯狂了 。
I mean, how crazy can you get?
2、我们疯狂地相爱了 。
We fell madly in love.
3、我们疯狂地热恋了大概两年 。
We were madly in love for about two years.
4、她疯狂地爱上了他 。
She has fallen madly in love with him
5、这是个疯狂的想法 。
That's a nutty idea.

