
1.帮我写一片关于上英语课的感受作文一堂英文课下来 , 我偶然间有了一种灵感。
汉语和英文的思路是相互逆反的 , 这两种思维方式互补的话将是一种完美的组合 。我爱玩五子棋 , 其中的八卦阵很难破解 , 可是我用英文的思路走 , 一下子变得容易多了 。
我的感受是:一种新的思路刚好做出了困境 。而八卦阵是针对汉语思路制定的阵法 , 这种语言的逆反思路正好像黑白棋一样互逆转化 , 由此演化出无穷的变化 。
我又想到语言是人类文明的结晶 , 每一种语言都有它的魅力和存在的特点 , 更孕育着新颖的思维方式 , 希望我们能在学习英文 , 不 , 是任何一种语言的时候怀着崇尚的心情去拜读 , 去发现 , 去领悟 , 去创造!这是我的感受 , 你再举些具体的语句例子补充一下吧 。
2.关于对英语课提意见与希望的英语作文I think it's very necessary to improve our English.I'd like to offer some suggestions.First of all,I think an English class should be both interesting and meaningful.Once students feel relaxed,they will learn English much better.Teachers may tell us jokes in English,by which we can improve our listening.Then teachers can also ask us to repeat the jokes,so it will help us with our oral English,too.Secondly,I think we should also spend some time watching English movies or learning to sing English songs.I think English movies are full of fun and good sentences,it will help us both speak better and write much better.English songs are popular,it's always great to do popular things.I hope we can have much more fun learning English. 。
3.帮我写一片关于上英语课的感受作文一堂英文课下来 , 我偶然间有了一种灵感。
汉语和英文的思路是相互逆反的 , 这两种思维方式互补的话将是一种完美的组合 。我爱玩五子棋 , 其中的八卦阵很难破解 , 可是我用英文的思路走 , 一下子变得容易多了 。
我的感受是:一种新的思路刚好做出了困境 。而八卦阵是针对汉语思路制定的阵法 , 这种语言的逆反思路正好像黑白棋一样互逆转化 , 由此演化出无穷的变化 。
我又想到语言是人类文明的结晶 , 每一种语言都有它的魅力和存在的特点 , 更孕育着新颖的思维方式 , 希望我们能在学习英文 , 不 , 是任何一种语言的时候怀着崇尚的心情去拜读 , 去发现 , 去领悟 , 去创造!这是我的感受 , 你再举些具体的语句例子补充一下吧 。
4.英语作文 100字【上英文课作文怎么写】An Interesting Book The DA VINCI CODE is really a good book!
It's very interesting. Although I don't have the knowledge of religion, I am crazy about it! However, my foreign teacher told me that some people who believe in Jesus don't like this book.
They hold the opinion that the book tells them something wrong. Because I know nothing about religion, I am not sure if it is true. I think that everything has pros and cons, we should learn the good things from the book and don't care about the bad things.
We can benefit from reading. We can learn lots of knowledge from books.
Let's read. Books are the food of our spirit.
加上生僻的单词会得高分 因为生僻单词是亮点
这是非常有趣的 。虽然我没有宗教的知识 , 我想我是疯了!然而 , 我的英语老师告诉我 , 有些人相信耶稣不喜欢这本书 。