
1.可乐鸡翅做法的用英文说怎么说 。。俄 。。。要求还蛮高的 。。= 。=# 。。看好拉=0=# 。。先是中文的 。。
材料:8支鸡翅、1杯可乐、1/4杯酱油、1大匙糖、葱2根切段、柠檬皮丝少许 。
1、除鸡翅外,所有材料混合成腌料;但需多留一些柠檬皮丝做最后的装饰 。
2、鸡翅切成两半,浸入腌料中,腌40分钟左右 。
3、腌好的鸡翅入热油锅略炸,至外皮金黄即可起锅 。
4、炸好的鸡翅加腌料,置另一锅用大火煮至滚后,转小火继续煮约半小时,盛于碗盘后,洒少许柠檬皮丝 。
这里是英语版的= 。=# 。
Material:8 wings,one glass cola,1/4 cup sauces,1 major spoon of sugar,spring onions 2 the roots slice a segment,the lemon skin silk few.
Way of doing:
1,in addition to wing, all material mixtures become to preserve~ in salt to anticipate;But need to stay some adornments that the lemon skin silks do an end more.
2,the wing cut in half, dipping in to preserve~ in salt to anticipate medium, preserve~ in salt for about 40 minutes.
3,preserve~ in salt a good wing to fry slightly into the hot oil pan, go to the cortex gold to rise a pot then.
4,fry a good wing to add to preserve~ in salt to anticipate, place another a pot of cook with the wildfires to roll after, turn small fire to continue to cook to invite half an hour, prosperous in bowl dish after, spread few lemon skin silk.

