闯红灯英文怎么写( 二 )

这次事故应由那闯红灯的司机负责 。
The driver who didn't stop at the red light was at fault in the accident.
闯红灯的司机对这起撞车事故负有责任 。
The driver who did not stop at the red light was at fault in the car crash.
那辆汽车闯了红灯 。
The car drove through the red light.
我开车闯了红灯 。
I drove through a red light.
巴里车开得太快 。刹不了车而闯了红灯,还好没有发生什么事 。
Barry was driving too fast to stop and he shot the lights but fortunately nothing way coming.
红灯亮著,但救护车闯了过去 。
The light was red but the ambulance drove straight through. [收起]

