
1.红灯用英文怎么说红灯的英文:Red light
【闯红灯英文怎么写】一、light 读法 英 [la?t] 美 [la?t]
5、作副词的意思是: 轻地;清楚地;轻便地
1、light intensity 光强度
2、come to light 暴露;真相大白;众所周知
3、light up 照亮;点亮
4、light and shade 光阴;光与影
5、light rail 轻轨;轻轨电车
6、visible light 可见光
7、green light 绿灯;放行;准许
1、He got more than 100 lights that time. After reaching a red light, he continued on, and made itthrough 76 more lights without stopping.
那次他通过了100多个红绿灯 。在等了一次红灯之后,他继续开,然后在不停车的情况下又通过了76个红绿灯 。
1、light用作动词时,其意思是“点火”“生火”“点燃”,指为照明或取暖而点蜡烛或生炉子;light还可指用灯或蜡烛等物体来“照亮,照明”,引申可指“使容光焕发” 。
2、light既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词 。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,主动形式常含有被动意义 。
3、light的过去式和过去分词有两种形式,即lit或lighted 。lit较lighted用得更普遍,但其过去分词用作形容词时,一般用lighted,不用lit 。
2.闯红灯 的英文run [jump] the red light [lamp]1. The taxi driver was obviously in the wrong in going ahead against the red light. 这个出租车司机闯红灯显然是不对的 。
来自《简明英汉词典》2. You want me to blast the music and go through the lights? 你是要我在那辆鸣警笛的车面前闯红灯吗? 来自电影对白【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】 。
3.对闯红灯的看法的英语作文中英对照版In China, when people go across the road, they will never wait for the red light patiently. In fact, Chinese people are famous for running the green light, it seems to be a habit for them, the traffic rule is just the paper for them, they never obey it. The result of going against the traffic rule is serious.
On the one hand, running the red light is not a civilized behavior, Chinese people will bring the foreign people the bad impression. When a foreigner comes to China, he is so curious about the way Chinese people go across the road, he waits for the green light, while a lot of Chinese people ignore the traffic rule and go directly. He feels so hilarious about the situation, it is so uncivilized behavior.
On the other hand, running the red light results in accident, people will lose their lives. Every year, many people die of car accident, the main reason is that they do not obey the traffic rule, when they go across the road, the car hits them and the tragedy happens.
Running the red light is not right, people will even pay for their lives, we should obey the traffic rules, be a civilized person.
更多优秀英语作文范文尽在:分享君英语作文网 原文带翻译网址:
4.英语“闯红灯”怎么说jump the red light; run the red light; drove through a red light 等
没有固定的表达法 。如下面句子中的闯红灯就用了不同的表达方法 。
那部车闯红灯 。
The car shot the traffic lights.
那位司机被指控闯红灯 。
The motorist was charged with failing to stop at a red light.
司机由于闯红灯而被处罚 。
The driver was punished because he broke the red light.