
1.家乡平顶山英语作文100字我的家乡我的家乡是一个不起眼的小山村,但它却用甘甜的泉水和肥沃的土地养育了祖祖辈辈的家乡人 。
春天,是个充满生气的季节,我的家乡也不例外,人们背着农具去上地,新的农忙生活又开始了 。路旁的柳树发了芽,在春风的吹拂下,拂着人们的脸,村头几座红砖瓦房里传来了琅琅的读书声 。
夏天,天很热,农民们顶着烈日在干活,汗水一滴一滴流入土地,这可真是“汗滴禾下土”啊!河边,一群孩子在玩耍、嬉戏 。有的在钓鱼,有的在游泳,有的在打水仗……这时,做一顶柳条帽戴上好不惬意啊 。
秋天,一个丰收的季节 。秋高气爽、景色迷人 。
去山上走走是少不了的事 。山上一片红色,映着袅袅的炊烟,真是一派农家气息 。
沿着弯弯曲曲的羊肠小道向下走,就来到了一片小树林 。这里枝叶茂密,地上还有一层厚厚的叶子,走上去软软的 。
孩子们爬上树,摘几个果子吃是当然的了 。吃着这山果子,孩子们的心里是甜滋滋的 。
再往下走是一个黄瓜泉,泉口像一个黄瓜,上面长满了绿色的苔藓,它的名字就是这样来的 。夏天泉水甘甜可口、清凉无比 。
冬天,水温很高,泉面腾起一片白雾,如仙境一般 。冬天,下起一场大雪 。
孩子们正忙着堆雪人、盖雪房子、打雪仗……比城里的孩子花样还多 。最常见的群体游戏是点起一堆篝火,大家围着火堆唱呀跳呀,有的人拿一个带尖的铁棍烧几个土豆,吃着这美味的土豆,乡亲们心里暖洋洋的 。
我爱我的家乡,它带给我土香土色的情趣 。我爱家乡的乡亲们,他们带给我纯朴的气息 。
2.介绍平顶山 英语作文高中水平Pingding Mountain is locatedin Henan Province. It takes an area of 700,000 square kms. There are manybeautiful sceneries, rivers and mountains in this area. It also has a longhistory with many poets, novelists, philosophers. Pingding Mountain is so richin all kinds of resources that it has been the largest coal mine and steelplant. Thanks to its good location it has been trading with many foreign countriesaround the world. It is developing in a more stable and consistant manner.
3.家乡平顶山英语作文100字My hometown is in Lianjiang. It is a city in the state of Guangdong. The people here are mostly fruit farmers 。Some of them work in the rice cooker industry. It is also one of the largest and most developed county in GuangDong.
Lianjiang is a traditional agricultural county. I live in one of the small town here in Lianjiang, the town has only one main road and the shops are located on both sides of the road. The shops are mostly owned by the local Chinese here. LianJiang is famous for its pig-rearing farms. The pigs are either slaughtered and sold at the local market or sold to the other towns.
【平顶山用英语怎么写】Although our house here is not very big, but it is very comfortable to live in and I love my hometown very much.
4.家庭地址英文格式怎么写江苏省昆山市城北花园路泾河花园82号 译为:
NO.82 JingHe estate ChengBeiHuaYuan street kunshan city Jiangsu Province --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Room 501, No. 71 Qinzhuangyuan Li
Nanjing City, Jiangsu Pronvice
People's Republic of China
Postal Code xxxxxx
* 城市/地区(英文):
Nanjing City/Jiangsu Province
- 记得在第四行提供自己的邮政编码
- 另外:英文里没有“里、弄、胡同”等的绝对对等语,一般以音译为准 。