平顶山用英语怎么写( 二 )

补充说明一下为何重复输入城市与地区:对方发函过来基本上会根据数据库内存的资料打印收件人的地址,栏位格式是统一的,这很多时候会造成美国以外地区的地址列印出来不完整 。
为避免收不到对方信函,一般美国以外地区会想办法把完整地址填写在所提供的有限栏位里(包含邮编),以避免打印不完整 。
5.以导游的身份写一篇英语作文介绍平顶山美丽的景点Hello, everyone! I am your tour guide James. In the following four days, I will show you around Beijing. First let me tell you something about this city.
Beijing, our capital city, is in the northern part of China. It's also the political centre in China.
It is beautiful and modern, but there are too many cars and the air pollution is quite serious now. Beijing has a long history and it is an old city. There are lots of places of interest to visit here, such as the Great Wall, Tian'anmen Square, the Summer Palace and so on. And the Palace Museum was once the emperors' home. Autumn is the most beautiful season, and the weather is fine and the natural views are so beautiful during summer. If you want to learn more about this city, you can read the book "Travel in Beijing".Now, I will give each of you the tour book.
Hope you will have a nice time here!

