
1.用英文介绍山药的做法{清炒山药木耳}{} fried yam fungus材料Material Science主料:山药400克、水发木耳150克 。
Ingredients: yam 400 grams, 150 grams of water fungus.调料:精盐1茶匙、味精1茶匙、料酒1汤匙、蚝油0.5汤匙、植物油40克、水淀粉和葱姜丝适量 。Spices: salt 1 tsp of salt, monosodium glutamate 1 teaspoon, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, oyster sauce 0.5 tbsp, vegetable oil 40 grams and starch powder and onion ginger wire amount.做法practice1、山药用火燎掉须根,用工具打去表皮,洗净切成梯形寸段,焯水30秒捞出投凉,切成菱形片,焯水30秒捞出投凉备用;1, yams with smoky off fibrous roots, with a tool to epidermal, washed and cut into inch trapezoidal section, boiled water for 30 seconds, remove investment and cool, cut into diamond shaped pieces, blanch 30 seconds to remove cast cold standby;2、水发木耳摘洗干净,撕成小块,焯水1分钟捞出投凉备用;2, the water fungus washed, torn into small pieces, blanch for 1 minutes remove cast a cold standby;3、葱姜切丝备用;3, onion ginger shred;4、坐锅加植物油烧热,下葱姜丝爆香,倒入蚝油山药和木耳,烹入料酒,撒上精盐翻炒均匀,勾薄芡,放味精,淋明油出锅装盘 。
4, take the pot add vegetable oil heat, saute onion ginger, pour oyster sauce yam and fungus, cooked into the cooking wine, sprinkle with salt and stir fry evenly, hook thin Euryale ferox, put MSG, pour out the oil out dish.{拔丝山药}Basi Shanyao {}材料Material Science山药200克,鸡蛋1个,面粉10克,淀粉50克,食用油500克(实耗80克),白糖5大匙Yam 200 grams, egg 1, 10 grams of flour, starch 50 grams, 500 grams of edible oil (actual consumption of 80 grams), 5 tablespoon sugar做法practice1、山药去皮切块,用水泡洗,沥干水分,拍上少许干淀粉;把鸡蛋打入碗内,加入面粉、干淀粉、少许清水、少许油调成糊,把山药一一放入挂糊;1, yams peeled and diced, washed with blisters, drain water, take a little dry starch; the eggs into the bowl, add the flour, dry starch, a little water, a little oil, tune into a paste, the yam into 11 hanging paste;2、锅内倒入油,烧热,放入山药,炸至金黄脆硬时捞起沥油;2, pan pour oil, heat, put yam, fried until golden crisp when picked up drain;3、将锅洗净,加入清水、白糖,用小火炒至两面金黄起小泡时,放入炸好的山药炒匀,盛入抹好油的盘内,配上一碗凉水即可 。3, wash the pot, add water and sugar, low heat stir fry until both sides are golden yellow from the vesicles, add fried yam, stir well, Sheng into wiping oil tray, with a bowl of cold water can be.{土豆泥山药饼}{} Mashed Potato Yam Cake材料Material Science土豆,山药,糯米粉,鸡精,盐,胡椒粉,牛奶,面包糠,泰式甜辣酱Potatoes, yam, glutinous rice flour, chicken, salt, pepper, milk, bread crumbs, Thai sweet chili sauce做法practice1、土豆、山药洗净上锅蒸熟 。
1, wash the pan steamed potatoes, yam.2、土豆趁热捣碎成泥,山药去皮切小丁 。2, hot potato mash, yam to pitche ding.3、土豆泥里兑入少许糯米粉、山药丁、鸡精、盐、胡椒粉、牛奶搅拌均匀 。
3, Mashed Potato mixed with a little glutinous rice flour, yam Ding, chicken, salt, pepper, stir in the milk.4、放在备好的面包糠中,两面都裹上面包糠 。4, put on the prepared bread crumbs, both sides are wrapped in bread crumbs.5、下锅开始炸,炸到两面金黄即可,可浇上泰式甜辣酱 。
5, the pot began fried, fried until golden brown on both sides, pour Thai sweet chili sauce. 。
2.“拔丝山药”的英文怎么说拔丝山药:wiredrawing/wire-draw/drawing/wire drawing yam
1. wire drawing
2. candied floss
3. wire-draw
4. wire stretching
5. drawing
6. redrawing
1. yam
2. Chinese yam