
1.商务英语毕业论文的提纲怎么写题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's Beloved
Thesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.
I. Introduction
A.The introduction of the author
a.A brief review of symbolid
b.The appraisal
B.The brief of the paper
II.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic Images
A.The production of the work
B.Comparing with other works in symbolic images
III.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in Beloved
A.symbolic figures
C. Body marks
D. Linguistic application
IV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic Images
A. Memory of the past
B.Seeking self-recognition
C.Recuperating Afro-American traditional culture
D. Maternal love
A.The contribution to Afro-American literature.
B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning.
2.商务英语毕业论文的提纲怎么写题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's BelovedThesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.I. IntroductionA.The introduction of the authora.A brief review of symbolidb.The appraisalB.The brief of the paperII.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic ImagesA.The production of the workB.Comparing with other works in symbolic imagesIII.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in BelovedA.symbolic figuresB.SettingC. Body marksD. Linguistic applicationE.EventIV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic ImagesA. Memory of the pastB.Seeking self-recognitionC.Recuperating Afro-American traditional cultureD. Maternal loveV.ConclusionA.The contribution to Afro-American literature.B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning 。
3.请问一下,您知道商务英语的毕业论文的提纲格式怎么写题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's Beloved
Thesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.
【商务英语毕业论文提纲怎么写】I. Introduction
A.The introduction of the author
a.A brief review of symbolid
b.The appraisal
B.The brief of the paper
II.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic Images
A.The production of the work
B.Comparing with other works in symbolic images
III.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in Beloved
A.symbolic figures
C. Body marks
D. Linguistic application
IV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic Images
A. Memory of the past
B.Seeking self-recognition
C.Recuperating Afro-American traditional culture
D. Maternal love
A.The contribution to Afro-American literature.
B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning.
4.毕业论文提纲怎么写啊拟制标题 (一)标题和主题 关系十分密切,但是它服务于主题;标题可以更换,主题不能随意更换 。
考试作文主导命题思想,都要避免以前的命题及其固定套路,建立在基础性和实用性上,给考生发挥的空间 。试题会有时代气息,切合考生的生活和思想实际 。
这样的命题,适应面广泛,力求考生都有话可说 。(二)审题立意 考试作文大都是命题作文,也有不少规定条件、提供材料后让考生自己命题,这就一定要慎重而又缓慢地审题(自己命题也要审) 。
古人审题常用抓题眼的办法,如《陋室铭》的题眼是“陋”字 。古人将完整的题目分为题身、题神和题眼,如《依依惜别的深情》,题身是“惜别”,即主要内容,题神是“依依”,即程度色彩,而题眼就是“深情”,即核心关键 。
再如《中国社会各阶级的分析》,题身是“中国社会各阶级”,题眼是“分析” 。古代审题方法,给今天的审题以启示 。