番茄沙拉英文怎么写( 二 )

例如,毫不起眼的西红柿有790个不同的名字,与此同时,橡树及其变种有600个不同的名字 。
5. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will begin a Tomato Safety Initiative in the Summer of 2007.
在2007年的夏季,食品和药物管理局(FDA)将开始对番茄安全进行倡议 。
6.做沙拉的步骤,英语写How to make the fruit salad
I know how to make the fruit salad.Do you learn?Let me tell you.First ,we need some fruits,such as apples,bananas,oranges.We need some of them.Then we peel the bananas,and wash the apples.we put them into a glass bowl.but we also need some milk.Because milk is good for our health.We pour the milk into the bowl.Then we mix them all up.That is all.You can show it to your parents.They must be very happy.

