
1.“以my ideal robot in the future”为题目的文章怎么写The Robot in the Future
With the development of science and technology,great advances have been made in artificial intelligence .In my opinion,robots wil get into our daily life in the future and the functions of them will increase with time.
【夏洛体文章怎么写】For instance,robots can cook in regular time,and they can have an adjustment for different needs as well.As for the old who are lonely,they can make the robots chat,play chess and do exercise with them.Moreover,they are able to deal with accidents when the old fall to the ground.
To sum up,I think robots will change our future life a lot ,and make it more colourful than before.
2.to make our city cleaner这文章怎么写1. We must have more ads about the importance of making our cite cleaner as well as having signs aroung the streets and on food packagings.
2. We must send groups of cleaners out everyday to clean up our city.
3. We need to promote and educate our youngsters about the negative effects of littering in hope that they will help us in this process as well.
4.We need to have patrol police out on the street and issue on the spot fines for littering or any other indecent acts.
5. Most importantly, we must get up, act together and clean up this city of ours 。.our home.
秋天的树叶是千姿百态的,有绿色的,有金黄的,有红色的……看那边依然郁郁葱葱的是冬青树,树叶长椭圆形,两头尖尖的,像一条小船,叶子正面是深绿色的十分光滑,主茎由下往上长,逐渐变细 。分叉的茎脉犹如一条条血管向两侧伸去 。看一看,除了主茎脉外,其他的只是隐约能感觉到 。叶子的反面就不同了,呈浅绿色,再看看,所有的茎脉都依稀清楚 。叶子两边有波浪形的锯齿但并不扎人 。
枫树绿中透着点点红意,是那么的富有生命力 。枫叶叶片呈龙爪形,正好五片,就像一只只小巧玲珑的巴掌,软软的,可爱极了 。它的边缘还不规则地镶着一圈花边 。像小扇子一样的银杏叶,上面密密地布满了叶脉,一半绿,一半黄像被谁染了颜色 。一阵风吹过,枯黄的树叶在空中飘落,犹如一只只黄蝴蝶翩翩起舞 。在阳光的照耀下,色彩斑斓,那么灵动,那么美妙,仿佛一下走进了童话世界 。
秋天是丰收的季节,秋姑娘的篮子里同样装满了丰硕的果实,让人们尽情享用大自然带来的恩赐,淡绿的树叶包围着红晕的苹果,半枯的玉米与它的主人告别前依然履行着自己的职责,耗尽最后一点营养养育着挂着长长的胡须的金黄色玉米,还有金色的鸭梨,蛋黄的马**葡萄,也未缺少绿叶相伴 。
我爱秋天的阳光,也爱秋天的树叶,更爱秋天的果实 。
突出主题,安排材料:不管是写什么,得先打定主意��要表达什么,说明什么道理 。道理不要多,初学写作的最好是抱定一个道理来说,切勿贪多 。安排材料就为的是突出主题 。
二.写透一件事:(一)写自己真知道的事,不写自己不十分知道的事 。(二)围绕一个题目写,不要一会儿一换 。(三)能抓住问题就不至于千篇一律了 。我们要细心地看,看问题,看人物,看地点,看时间,把有关的事物都看了,自然会写出一篇与众不同的东西来 。
三.多改多念:文章必须修改 。先把不必要的话,不必要的字,狠狠地测去,像农人锄草那样 。然后再细细修改字句 。然后再加工,教重要的句子有力量,带感情 。修改时,多念自己的文章,这里所说的“念”是朗读的意思 。念给别人听,还要多念别人的作品 。