夏洛体文章怎么写( 三 )

1、运用多媒体辅助教学 。新课标指出:语文教学要重视创设语文学习环境,沟通课本内外、课堂内外、学校内外的联系,拓宽学习渠道,增加学生语文实践的机会 。本课我利用远程教育资源,精心编辑文字、图像、音乐等,创设了一个轻松活泼的学习语文的良好情境,激发了学生学习语文的浓厚兴趣 。
2、朗读感悟法:结合本课的语言特色 。以读代讲,以读促学,通过自读自悟、边读边想像 。老师引读等多种方式让学生在读中思考,在读中感悟,在读中想象,充分感受课文的语言美、意境美,并将之内化、沉淀,从而形成良好的语感 。
师:今天,老师带来了一则谜语,请孩子们猜猜:活着昂首一千年,死后挺立一千年,倒下不朽一千年,铮铮铁骨千年铸,不屈品质万年颂 。关于胡杨,许多人留下了赞美的文字,今天我们学习其中的一篇(揭示课题 。师板书、,生齐读)此时出示胡杨的图片让学生说说第一眼看到胡杨,给你的留下了什么印象?
设计理念:兴趣是最好的老师,我用这种方式引入,目的是创造一个轻松和谐的学习氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣,并引出课题 。
①生自主渡课文三遍(出示阅读要求) 。
⑴大声朗读,读准字音,读连贯、流利 。
⑵同桌读(齐读,分段读),纠正字音,联系上下文交流新词的意思,说说每段的意思 。⑶自主默读,思考:作者钟情于胡杨的哪些地方?
②汇报初读情况 。
7.《MYlifeinthefuture》这个作文怎么写A blackout
It was a very busy evening, I was doing my homework at my home. My father was writing a composition in the study room. My mother was interested in Shanghai opera. She was watching a Shanghai opera contest. The apartment was very quiet. Suddenly the light went out. It was a blackout, but I liked it very much. It came and I didn't have to do my homework. We went to the living room very slowly. After 5 minutes, we all sat in the sofa. It was a lucky, fortunate day. I said that let's held a concert. My parents agreed with me. I took out some candles and lighted up. We were singing, laughing and talking. We had a really good time. But while I was singing, the light suddenly turned on. Oh, my God. My father went back to his room went on writing. My mother turned on the TV and said to me “Dear, do your homework!” I felt very frustrated. I sat at the desk and thought I hated light. I hoped there would be a blackout the next day. I thought I would enjoy myself more and more. I went into a dream……

